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Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tweet from @chrisbosh
Chris Bosh just posted this on his twitter, its like the beginning of the end. I have read three different solid scenarios, involving Chicago, Miami and Houston. Let's see how things shape up. The Raptors have a long ways to go, to really rebuild this franchise going forward. To be realistic, we're not gonna sign any of those 1a/1b players, even the 2a guys will be hard to attract here (joe johnson, 1a, rudy gay, 2b - example). So we need to look at guys like the Channing Frye's, Travis Outlaw's, Ronnie Brewer's, Reddick's and Haslem's of the world. Let's even try to snag guys like Tyrus Thomas, RJ, Childress wants back in the NBA, and even Al Harrington....we do have options that could work here.
We need young talent with some potential to really push forward, and a couple veterans to guide the youth. If things go sour next season, perhaps a high draft pick in 2K11....
I'm trying to be optimistic about the entire situation, so let's see what happens. Keep our twitter feed up at, for any updates, from now and on July 1st.
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Tuesday, June 29, 2010
LAL and this guy that plays for them...umm what's his name again, oh yah Kobe....
Kobe Bryant is the best player in the NBA hands down. The series that just took place between the Lakers and Celtics was a classic, from games 1 thru to 7. I was LAL since the start of the year and had written that they'd win at about the 1/2 way point of the season, but I did not anticipate they'd have a real hard time like they did against a solid Celtics team. First of all I had the Magic in the finals, and I'm still in shock that they didn't make it thru. I called the Cavs unraveling from time as well, but the Celtics were nowhere on my radar.
I don't wanna go on and on with a "I told you so rant" but its kinda hard not to at this moment. The series between the Celtics and Lakers was a classic, there is something between these two teams, that just brings out that '95 style ball which I love, and makes things for even the most casual of NBA fans watch and be intrigued. The Lakers were on the ropes from about game 2-6, seriously, if your a Laker fan then you were shaking in your Nike's at times in this series.
Game 7 alone, was cause for cardiac arrest, and to think that it was neck and neck the entire game, only to have the Lakers close them out at the end was a classic finish to one of the better finals series played in the last while.
Enter: Black Mamba.
If you read the blog then you guys (and gals) know I'm a huge KB24 fan, since I'd say 2001, when I sat back and said, "hmmmmmm, hmmmmm, hmmmm......" I didn't wanna give him those props so quickly but, his play in those Laker 3pete years was just crazy, regardless of Shaq playing with the Lakers at the time. The guy was just made to play this game, like the greats before him he does it with ease. I still love hearing a lot of peeps talkin Dwade/Lebron, Melo, etc as the best in the league. Ummm, not even in respect, if you ask anyone of those guys who they think is the best, ill pretty much bet on them sayin Kobe.
At this point Kobe has reached "OG" status in the L but what's really f'd up is, he's only like 31 or 30 perhaps. Next season he'll be even deadlier I'm convinced, in that all of his ailments (that he plays with constantly) should be sorted out. I mean the guy iced this finals for LAL with 6 functional fingers, 1/2 a knee and ankle, and being the top 2 guard in the L and playing for almost what, 13/14 seasons now, and making the post season for maybe 10 of those seasons, your body takes a f'n beating. But this guy just keeps on going and plays at a level only matched by few in the history of the game.
I'm already looking at taking a futures bet on a LAL championship next season, regardless of how things shape up with this looming free agency pending this week. The Lakers have a solid foundation, great players who understand D and the triangle, continuity and the best f'n player in the planet on their team, who will be a lot healthier next season then he has been over the last few years. So that means plain old trouble for the rest of the league.
Sure Kobe is getting a little older, and he's not the same athlete he once was when he was an eighteen year old kid winning the dunk off. But the greats in any sport find a way to get it done. Sticking on Basketball, look at how Jordan adjusted his game as he got a little older. He made a shot infamous....the post up fade, it was unstoppable, and you always had to respect him for the drive. Kobe similar to Jordan in this respect, has adjusted his game over the years to ensure his longevity and effectiveness. Kobe is a guy that is a true threat on the O end of the ball, not just for his perimeter game but the fact that he can slice and dice a D, work that triangle to his benefit and kill you another way. There's really no stopping him. On the defensive end of the court, he's mastered the art of footwork, body'n up and irritating another player to the point where you can't do anything. Chances are, that same guy is guarding him on the other end of the court and he's gas'ed. Kobe knows this and takes full advantage of that, and his conditioning is arguably the best in the league. How many guys with that much mileage on their bodies can light you up for 40 any given night of the week?? Seriously, who and how many!?
Kobe has the resume and watching the ABC coverage they kept on referring to his career as 'legendary' which just blows my mind. Cause I remember when he took Brandy to the prom lol and did a rap song with Tyra Banks. How things change with time eh....
Next time your out and that guy in the bar goes "lebron is the best, kobe's done....". Well I suggest you fire back with this:
"You got one game, and your life is on the line. You have 4 guys on your squad and you get to pick anyone you want as your fifth....who do you take with your life on the line?"
Any other day I'd take #23 but seeing as he's in his mid 40's now, I'd settle for #24, best closer this game has seen since 1998.....
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Monday, June 28, 2010
WTF is gonna happen in Toronto next season....
Sean goes up and down with his thoughts on the squad and its players (in particular Bargs, lol) but like everyone else, Sean is thinking right now in terms of this franchise's future next season. So what is going to happen? Well until Thursday we all don't know what the movements are gonna be like, but this is BC's last stand in my opinion. His vision of a run and gun team needs to end, and this team needs the right personnel, coaches and players to change the system to a gritty NYK '94 system to get ish done. The winning teams in this league play like that, so why can't we?
The chances are, a lot of the guys on this squad could be gone very soon, leaving us with young, cheap talent. Weems, Derozan, our new UNC pick, to be some what of the core. Include some players who're making some money for us like Bargs, Amir (who's an unrestricted FA but should re-sign), Evans and Jack as the other dudes, you kind of have a squad that's athletic and can play some sort of D. Bring in some other young talent, who have an emphasis on D and are athletic, and I would personally be ok with that.
Cause we will be starting from scratch once again next season. I have always said this with the Raps due to the uncertainty of Bosh's situation, that we are literally one move away from being a decent squad and one move away from rebuilding (just like the Heat!).
Next seasons team will be weird assuming we don't sign or sign/trade for some great mid 20's talent. I would be happy to see some players blossom and a team that works hard next season. Raps nation better understand this from now! Unless Bosh/Lebron decide to sign here, no matter who we get in return from a team like Chicago, Cleveland or another trade partner like the Knicks, Houston, Jersey or even ummm LAL, we're still kinda #ucked....
I always hope for the worst in anticipation that things come out better then expected. Like on draft day I knew nothing would happen with the Raps, I mean not since the Grunwald era have the Raps made any moves of substance on draft day. But teams like OKC who are just ill, and are gonna be huge next season, are the most active on draft day. Bringing in new talent, freeing up cap space and bringing in some veteran talent (mo pete). Really kills me as a Raps fan..... Like why don't we wanna get better? Why can't we make some balls out moves? I am not saying you should appoint me GM but I am saying our GM needs to look at the landscape of the NBA, the teams that make the playoffs and notice common denominator's. I can go on forever with this but you guys get what I am saying.
This organization needs a real shake up after this summer from the ground up, I mean I'm not sold on our so called 'talent' scouts either, like seriously.....Nathan Jawani, Patrick O'Bryant (well he came in a trade, but you can't waive him or package him off for a 2nd rounder??). Let's see raps nation/brokeankles community what goes on.....
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-500 Bosh+Lebron
So looking at the Bill Simmons tweet from yesterday, he reported that on, over a 48 hour timeline the bookies had both Lebron and Bosh at +100's (don't know the exact numbers but they were pretty big) to sign with the Bulls and as of yesterday they are both down to -500 to sign with them. Meaning you bet $500 bucks and if Bosh signs with the Bulls your up a $100 bucks. A rather large bet for a minimal return you say....well if you bet on sports then you know a -500 is a pretty sure thing! Basics of finance peeps!! More Risk More Return....
So what does this imply? First of all some one is a major snitch in either camp or both camps, the Bulls can possibly become the dynasty they once wore, and being a loyal Toronto fan gets you more frustrated as each season goes by. Based on Bosh's media appearances, tweets and his interviews with various sports outlets, its pretty much a done deal that he's gone. We're not the type to cry over spilled milk or rant why he needs to stay but I will say, make your intentions a little more clearer to a franchise that's let you make your case for the past 7 seasons or so.
His "I'm a centerpiece comments" on the mike and mike show (I believe it was mike and mike....or yahoo sports one of the two) are basically a huge contradiction since the Bulls core will be, Rose/Bron/Noah and Bosh. CB4 will be an Amare type player for the Bulls if he does end up there with Bron and in no way will he be a centerpiece player. You have Noah who's just gonna be awesome next season regardless of who comes there, and a one-two punch of Bron/Rose. If you want to be the "Man" then you have 3 teams, NJ, NY and TOR. If I were him, I'd be in NY in a NY minute....just makes the most sense from a PR and ego perspective (that goes for you too Lebron!!!).
But when the bookies have you at a -500 to sign with the Bulls it pretty much is a sure thing. What kills me though, is the fact that Lebron would go there. Seriously, that city already had someone who played there that NOBODY can measure up to, and I think we all know about Lebron and his ego, so why not NY or NJ??? I know your saying both cities have also had greats players there (NY-ewing/king/etc... and NJ - but both franchises haven't won $hit in like a 1000000 years. Bron could be the X factor and the new face for both cities, as could Bosh. When you go to the United Center boys just know there is only room for one statue outside....
Either way, I am excited like everyone else for this weeks NBA action and news that leads to the most anticipated FA class of all time. Sunder talked about BC just now, I aint done with this topic by a long shot, so keep on checkin back till Thursday. On our Twitter we will update any thing we here that's worth reporting about!!
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Kevin U
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Sunday, June 27, 2010
All eyes on you BC

With free agency just days away, NBA and sport fans are about to witness something unbelievable and are going to learn the business of professional sports first hand. From a Raptors perspective, it seems like Chris bosh is gone and I couldn't blame the guy. Since he's been here, there has been nothing but instability with coaches and new rosters. Yet, all Bosh has done since he came to Toronto was get better, rep Toronto well and become arguably the best PF in the league. I only hopes if he does leave, that he helps the Raptors get some good talent return if he does decide to do a sign and trade. Which leaves us on what Bryan Colangelo is going to do. Now is the time to earn that $4 million a year contract BC.
When the season ended, BC had to worry about Bosh leaving, a PG dilemma with Jose and Jack and revamping this roster for the 3rd straight year. Then, Hedo aka Zohan had to come in and demand a trade. Get ready Raps fans to meet public enemy 2 in the near future. When BC first got here, I was excited. Toronto finally had a well respected and credible GM and in his first year, you saw his stamp on the team. The one thing I like about Colangelo and probably his biggest knock is that he is always looking to improve the team, hence trading players too quickly and thus not creating a cohesive team that can create chemistry and learn to win. You look at the teams that win, Lakers, Celtics, and Magic, all 3 of these teams have been together for a while and know how to play with one another. This will be BC's last summer to get it right.
Come training camp, there could be 2/3rd's of a new roster and with Bosh gone, this will be a team that will be led by committee instead of one guy. The one dude who could benefit from all of this is Andrea Bargnanni. For 4 seasons, we have seen glimpses of an all star in him and then he disappears for games at a time. Expect more pressure on him this year. With the situation Hedo put himself in last year, his value is not that high and I hope Colangelo doesn't trade him for the sake of getting rid of his contract and bringing in another bad contract. I'm not going to tell or guess what Colangelo should do, but he definitely needs to find a basketball philosophy that will work for him. He does not have the pieces here to be run and gun, or at least be good at it. This team needs a better defensive presence. He is on the right track by drafting Ed Davis and Soloman Alabi. This team does have the pieces to score and if they can bring some athletic pieces to compliment the guys that are here, they can rebound back and not be far off from competing for the playoffs. Of course, in order for the Raps to be title contenders, they will need a superstar to come here and lead them. But as a Raps fan, lets take it one step at a time and build from here.
Come July 1, a day that has been circled for at least 3 years, the landscape in the NBA is going to change dramatically. Toronto will regress, but will bounce back. The same cannot be said about Cleveland if LeBron leaves. That's why BC will have pull something out his bag of tricks to get Toronto back in the NBA scene. Like I said earlier, Colangelo is not afraid to make a change and has the smarts to work out a deal that can get Toronto turned around. If not, this franchise will take a serious step back and we will be forced to watch the Leafs....CRAP. If BC does come across the article, hopefully this track will motivate him.
Post by Kevin S
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MMA Heavyweight Division Turned Upside Down
Unfortunately being in Canada where most of us do not subscribe or access Showtime, watching the Strikeforce: Fedor vs. Werdum card meant being confined to a 15" inch monitor witnessing history in the making. If you haven't heard by now, or if you heard small grumbling's on the internet, the news is true... the Legendary Last Emperor Fedor Emelianenko arguably pound for pound king, greatest MMA fighter ever has been dethroned as top dog in the mma world's heavyweight class.
As a long-time Fedor fan, it was by far one of the biggest pills to swallow. It was one that definitely hurt the ego especially being a staunch defender of Fedor's legacy in the MMA scene.
Congratulations and hats off to Fabricio Werdum for pulling off what no one thought was possible, a legitimate win over the Last Emperor. It was done in such spectacular fashion with Fedor pounding away at the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu expert, Werdum then pulls in Fedor's head and arm for a triangle armbar and submits the Russian Cyborg at 1:09 in the first round. Too bad... as I was looking forward to an Overeem vs. Fedor fight, but hey Werdum deserves it.
Given this win I would now rank the top 5 heavyweights in the following order:
1. Brock Lesnar
2. Shane Carwin
3. Alistair Overeem
4. Fabricio Werdum
5. Fedor Emelianenko
Analyzing the repercussions of the loss:I always saw this fight with Fabricio Werdum a lose-lose situation, Fedor heavily outranked Werdum. If Fedor won it wouldn't mean much, if he lost (which he did) it plays right into the arguments of those who question the fedor legacy and hope to destroy it ie. ... cough... cough Dana White as seen on Dana White's twitter ":D". I could only imagine the amount of smack talk against Fedor after this, which is totally unprofessional and uncalled for especially with someone who represents the sport so well. He's humble, they guy never looks like he's on speed or juice running all over the cage after winning a fight he just solemnly raises his fist of might in victory, he fights for his family, for his country and for God.
That's a role model and even in defeat he was gracious. Bringing Dana White back into the picture (love the guy though annoys me when he goes back on his words or downplays fighters or other organizations or the fact he always has to be on tv), I think this Fedor loss really reflects Strikeforce, M-1 and Fedor getting kicked three times in the balls by Dana, Zuffa and Co. whether directly or indirectly. Number one, Dana and the Fertitta's at Zuffa always, always counter program against all competitor events, and when done they usually win viewership war. If it's true what was allegedly said that UFC threatened to cut Tapout should they have gone through with sponsoring Fedor according Vadim Finkelstein (sources:, that's kick in the balls number two, cutting possible sponsorship income going to the Fedor's camp. Number three obviously the loss itself, which completely shifts the entire balance in favour of UFC's heavyweight stable of fighters and their HW division. Kick in the balls four as a bonus, Fabricio Werdum lost to heavyweight prospect Junior Dos Santos in his last match in the UFC and I know for sure the Dana camp will be all over this in upcoming interviews.
Next for Fedor:Personally I'm an optimist. I think in a way it's a good thing he lost, relieves all the pressure on maintaining his almost spotless record. I think we'll see a stronger Fedor, and keep in mind no matter who you are in MMA there's just too many variables in a match, so many ways to lose, so many ways to win. If they grant a rematch, Fedor would for sure win I believe 9 times out of 10. Next for Fedor on his last fight of his contract would be to face someone like Antonio Silva who lost to Werdum should they not grant a rematch and proceed with Werdum fighting Overeem.
Afterwards, Strikeforce could for sure try to renew Fedor's contract and if he defeats Silva have him face the winner of Werdum and Overeem. Other possibilities would be to have a long overdue fight with Josh Barnett over in Dream or Sengoku, though it would not have any significance on the world's heavyweight rankings.
However you never know. With Fedor losing, M-1 Global obviously loses some bargaining power not only in dealing with Strikeforce but even with the UFC. We could see Fedor if given on offer directly from the UFC possibly jumping ship, who knows. M-1 would not be able to ask for the same demands from the UFC second time around which may make his exodus to the UFC possible. A Brock vs. Fedor, Carwin vs. Fedor in my opinion is still relevant. At the end of the day, Fedor's loss to Fabricio Werdum was literally a one off loss (however hats off again to Werdum), anyone could get caught and it was not as if he was outclassed or dominated. Back to the drawing board for Fedor's camp, I just feel sorry for his next opponent.
By Richard Silang
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Thursday, June 17, 2010
The Best Shot of 2010
I have seen a lot of shots in my life, but this shot is right up there with one of the best i have ever seen. Not only for the way it was done, but the game it was shot in and what was on the line.
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The Best Player on the Planet

If you people who read this site, are doubting this or mention LBJ....then you dont know your ball. Tonight he's going for ring number 5, and from the brokeankles fam Kobe.
We got made love for you, GOODLUCK!
post by kevin u, follow me at
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Tuesday, June 1, 2010
BROKEANKLE EXCLUSIVE: Icing the Ultimate Threads

Being bored out of my mind on this beautiful humid Monday I decided to pay a little visit to Miguel, a good friend as well as the owner of the Lakeshore front store Ultimate Threads. If you haven’t already read my article previously on this blog about this amazing store then maybe you might want to pay close attention to this article because it will excite you. As I got there we both as usual caught up with things with our personal lives then went on to discuss our opinions to the latest UFC event and enjoyed some chocolate, which I shouldn’t be eating considering I have a strict diet I got to follow leading up to my first trip out of the country in August but decided what the heck. He has explained to me his participation to the MMA expo next week and asked if I would love to help out, without hesitation I said you bet i would be there. Besides I got to know Miguel for some time now and one of the most friendlist guys you will ever meet I figure since he had paved my way through my start of my fight career with gears and apparel why wouldn’t I want to help out. However the best news he saved for last, He has told me and this is BROKEANKLES EXCLUSIVE that former UFC light heavy weight champion Chuck The Iceman Liddell will be at Ultimate Threads on June 25 for a autograph session to celebrate the stores 1 year anniversary. I couldn’t fucking believe it. A legend to the sport and one of the deadliest strikes to ever step inside the octagon will be present and up close and personal with fans on June 25th. Once again Miguel knew how to put smiles on my face because I am a huge Iceman fan and been since wanting to meet him. So there you go ladies and gentlemen you want to meet the legend of the sport feel free to check out their website and contact them at the link below or message our team at for more information.
Ultimate Threads
734 Lakeshore Road E.
(east of Cawthra)
Mississauga ON L5G 1J6
Store Hours:
Mon-Fri 11am-8pm
Sat 10-6pm
Sun 12-5pm
Article written by: Jeff "the kid" M.