All that hype around OKC this pre season and summer, hasn't really translated into the impressive play we some from them last year. Westbrook is the MVP thus far on that squad, by a landslide.

Why did I take Lebron in the top 3 in my fantasy drafts this season!?!? On that topic, why did anyone take any of those big 3 in the top 10 in any fantasy draft this season.
Blake Griffin.
Nobody's talking about the Grizz, Mayo I hear you homie, Rudy hope you sell some jersey's this season. That shot on Lebron may have got you two more sold.
Eric Spolestra is a trending topic on twitter #rileyhasyourass
Blake Griffin
Vince Carter looks like Rick Ross this season.
Reggie "Rodman" Evans, it was an awesome run big guy, but come on Raps fam, how long would that have really lasted. We're in TORONTO REMEMBER!
My favorite play thus far by the Lakers this season, is "Crouching Kobe, Hidden Bryant" love it when he calls his own plays in the huddle
Blake likes the Knicks...nutwich
The Heat hahahahahahahahaahahahahhahaaaaaaaaa #karmaisabiaaatch, make that a trending topic people

Speaking of the Heat, are there any All Star's on that squad this season?
Rondo is the real deal. No questions about it.
Portland is totally jinkzed, Oden sorry about all the trouble big fella, and BRoy, much promise a couple years back. Remember when you coulda drafted KD....
@seankolenko, where's my Raps Rants homie!?! You are reppin the West's POV on the T Dot, come on buddy.....
Blake Griffin
Shaq is becoming the Ric Flair of the NBA

Who's the best PG in the league, Deron/Rondo/Paul....thats the toughest spot to call right now in the L in my opinion.
Carlos Boozer healthy and on the Bulls will be a scary, scary front line.
Love/Beasley, my new fav NBA jam combo for the PS3
David Lee, where are you?
Jennings, i think he's about to make some serious noise come the new year, serious, serious noise
Bryan Colangelo has a sweet gig, real sweet gig.
Josh Smith is making the Eastern Conference All Star team this season, he's putting it all together and its so nice to see.

Melo, what's your favorite Pizza place in NY?
You know who can dunk really well. Blake Griffin
I wonder who the @raptors will get for Peja's contract hmmmmmmm.....hmmmmmm....
Houston, you have a problem. So much talent, what the hell is happening there?
The Heat bhahahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............bhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa #karmasabiaatch
John Wall is foreal.
Roy Hibbert and the Pacers may just get into the playoff's....Hibbert/Granger/Collison, nice, nice pieces on this squad from the bench to the starters. Well done Mr. Bird
Derrick Rose, you shoulda been called for a flagrant on this one....people, watch this ummm 10 times.
The Spurs are the Chevy of the NBA
Im calling it for now, your 2010/2011 NBA MVP is KOBE BRYANT

holla at your boy @_bigkev_