Thursday, December 2, 2010

what a disappointment....

When Mr Noah went on his tyrant about how Cleveland sucks a season back, he was spot on. I remember seeing the images of jersey's burning, Gilbert's letter to the public, all the media coverage on how much the city hates Lebron and just all the general negativity in regards to this situation, I seriously thought a riot/fight a la pacers/pistons would happen tonight.

Instead, what did we get.....a whole bunch of bullshit. The fans had there moments very early on and just like that they were completely silent. Like I said this in the post before, when Carter came back to Toronto it was a total shit show. The boos came raining down and the hatred was evident from the beginning to end. Like Torontonians, we are really passionate about our sports, and games like this really prove my opinion.

Lebron finished with 38pts I believe, didn't play the entire 4th, joked around with his old team, and buried these guys earlier. So much hype around this return and it turned ugly so, so fast....

I'm still watching the game and this isn't the last you'll hear about this topic.....but just had to get this out now!

Key points:

-bosh is horrible
-does anyone know who's #7 on the heat
-chris bosh....what?
-"im improving my greatness day to day" - that was the line of the night, not the 38

Oh yah and Reggie (as in Miller)....this is Lebron's team.

Don't get it twisted.

Kevin U
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guess who's comin home....

Oh hell yaaaahhhhhh.....
Lebron James makes his return to Cleveland tonight in probably the most anticipated return to the latter team's home stand in sporting history!!! Whewwww that was a big ass sentence.

Security is ramped up hard, and I mean its going to be a zoo in Cleveland tonight. Like I am not anticipating chaos, but this guy is gonna get ripped all night by the fans. I remember when Vince Carter made his return to Toronto for the first time since joining the Nets a few years back, and I remember I couldn't even hear myself think when he stepped onto the court. It became worst when he got announced as a starter and then when he touched the ball for the first time....oye vay!

Lebron in the words of the great Eddie Murphy "you brought this shit on yo-self..." Every boo, jeer, scream, insult, etc is all well deserved. You are a phenom of an athlete but could quite possibly be the biggest douche bag in all of professional sports world wide.

"What should I do?"
Ummmm shut the f*ck up, start playing, cause your team sucks monkey sack.

Oh yah say hi to your mom for me tonight...opps oh yah, she's not gonna be there cause you've made such a spectacle of yourself, your old lady is scared for her own safety in her hometown. Your such an ass guy....


Kevin U
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Monday, November 29, 2010

@_bigkev_ 's thoughts so far on this NBA season....

Alright, been slacking a bit on the posts fam and i know this! Anyhow, here are some of my quick thoughts so far on the season, and I WILL BE UPDATING these thoughts throughout the here we go....

All that hype around OKC this pre season and summer, hasn't really translated into the impressive play we some from them last year. Westbrook is the MVP thus far on that squad, by a landslide.

Why did I take Lebron in the top 3 in my fantasy drafts this season!?!? On that topic, why did anyone take any of those big 3 in the top 10 in any fantasy draft this season.

Blake Griffin.

Nobody's talking about the Grizz, Mayo I hear you homie, Rudy hope you sell some jersey's this season. That shot on Lebron may have got you two more sold.

Eric Spolestra is a trending topic on twitter #rileyhasyourass

Blake Griffin

Vince Carter looks like Rick Ross this season.

Reggie "Rodman" Evans, it was an awesome run big guy, but come on Raps fam, how long would that have really lasted. We're in TORONTO REMEMBER!

My favorite play thus far by the Lakers this season, is "Crouching Kobe, Hidden Bryant" love it when he calls his own plays in the huddle

Blake likes the Knicks...nutwich

The Heat hahahahahahahahaahahahahhahaaaaaaaaa #karmaisabiaaatch, make that a trending topic people

Speaking of the Heat, are there any All Star's on that squad this season?

Rondo is the real deal. No questions about it.

Portland is totally jinkzed, Oden sorry about all the trouble big fella, and BRoy, much promise a couple years back. Remember when you coulda drafted KD....

@seankolenko, where's my Raps Rants homie!?! You are reppin the West's POV on the T Dot, come on buddy.....

Blake Griffin

Shaq is becoming the Ric Flair of the NBA

Who's the best PG in the league, Deron/Rondo/Paul....thats the toughest spot to call right now in the L in my opinion.

Carlos Boozer healthy and on the Bulls will be a scary, scary front line.


Love/Beasley, my new fav NBA jam combo for the PS3

David Lee, where are you?

Jennings, i think he's about to make some serious noise come the new year, serious, serious noise

Bryan Colangelo has a sweet gig, real sweet gig.


Josh Smith is making the Eastern Conference All Star team this season, he's putting it all together and its so nice to see.

Melo, what's your favorite Pizza place in NY?

You know who can dunk really well. Blake Griffin

I wonder who the @raptors will get for Peja's contract hmmmmmmm.....hmmmmmm....

Houston, you have a problem. So much talent, what the hell is happening there?

The Heat bhahahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............bhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa #karmasabiaatch

John Wall is foreal.

Roy Hibbert and the Pacers may just get into the playoff's....Hibbert/Granger/Collison, nice, nice pieces on this squad from the bench to the starters. Well done Mr. Bird

Derrick Rose, you shoulda been called for a flagrant on this one....people, watch this ummm 10 times.

The Spurs are the Chevy of the NBA

Im calling it for now, your 2010/2011 NBA MVP is KOBE BRYANT

holla at your boy @_bigkev_

An Ode to the Baddest Man in the Game

Kobe Bryant - Court Cuts - Nuff Said


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Can't Knock the Hustle

Im writing this as the Raptors are on pace to lose against the Hawks (98-69, 4thQ), and i have to admit this game and their last they looked pretty flat. However as the majority of the brokeankles readers seem to be T dot boys, you feel me when i say, you can't knock the hustle. For the majority of their games this season, this team has hustled, played hard, and worked together to to get things done. We have lost some tight ones, and have thrown punches with the best of them, but when you have a lineup consisting of Joey Dorsey, Linas Klieza and Sunny Weems on the court battling with the likes of Joe Johnson, Al Horford and Josh Smith (ATL example cause we're playing them) its hard to close out games, because of the talent level.

Problems like, Andrea does not understand that at the 5 spot you are suppose to play some kind of interior D, Sunny Weems thinking he's Kobe, certain "YOUNGONEZ" not asserting themselves as they should, are still issues that are lingering but in time these issues could sort themselves out...or can they? Anyhow, the point of all this, is that they are a young squad, new concepts on offense and defense, a few trades here and there have forced these guys figure things out on the fly. I am not the biggest fan of Bayless (never have been, even since his Zona days) but I do like his hustle and fire, the fact that we got a huge expiring contract in Peja, implies BC has finally understood we will acquire "that player" via trade.

Cause lets face it peeps, nobody wants to play in White Vegas nowadays. So we gotta force the issue. The team is 6-11 now, and to be honest I was expecting a lot worst. This season isn't one of those "wash" seasons, it's more of a building block season, hopefully these guys keep on developing, and you have a core next year of Andrea, Bayless, Derozan, Amir, Weems, Ed Davis and Julian Wright. Not exactly your top tier young talent, but good enough to surprise a lot of teams and do some damage in the long run. All those players mentioned have great amounts of athleticism, low bball IQs, but the key in all this, "potential". This "Young Gunz" movement, I like it, and much love to the people that organized the concept, web page and media coverage on this. Gives us a little more street cred and considering Derozan and Amir are from LA, and when I say LA i mean Gangster LA, not the Hills LA, it's kinda fitting. You gotta love that NWA shot above!

Ed Davis, will be joining the team sooner then later hopefully, its been a bit, and hopefully he'll had some more toughness, and length in the interior, Bayless will begin to understand the defensive schemes and Andrea will continue to improve game by game. It'll be a lot more tricky as the season goes on, but hey, nobody can knock a team for trying, playing with heart, grit and hustle.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Listen up Bron

If the greatest player in the world cant knock sense into you, then you have no chance. As basketball fans, we're all tired of the excuses that your not having fun or your playing too much. Step up, shut up and play.

Posted by Kevin S

Monday, November 22, 2010

Rumble young man rumble!

For almost a year, we have been waiting patiently to see Blake Griffen play.
Man can he ball. I am very impressed with what he has been doing so far this season. He let John Wall get all the hype while he has been quietly beasting everyone under the rim. I love the fact that he is a humble dude on and off the court. What he did against NY the other night was totally nuts (literally...just look at this picture - remember Frederick Weiss). I am actually calling my rep at MLS to order my Clippers tix when they come to play the Raps. I can't quite figure whose game he reminds me of. He dunks mean like Dominique used to and runs the floor like a young Amare. I actually tune in to watch clipper highlights because of Blake.

If he keeps this up - hands down my Rookie of the Year, I will buy his jersey and I will show more love to LA as whole and not just for my Lakers.

Blake - my only request is for you to save something nasty for my man KG when you play Boston. He really needs some nuts to shut the hell up on the court. Maybe you can visit my main man Chris Bosh who is currently "chilling" in Miami.

Move over VC - someone might just become the next Half Man Half Amazing! You have not brought justice to that title in a while son. Give it up.

Nav B

Friday, November 19, 2010

R.I.P. - Pat Burns

Today, the hockey world saw a wonderful man pass away at the age of 58. Pat Burns, former head coach of the Montreal Canadians, Toronto Maple Leafs, the Boston Bruins and the New Jersey Devils, passed away today. In every city he coached at, he was loved by all the fans, players and ownership. He is the only coach in NHL History to win the Coach of the Year three times (on three separate teams, all Original six teams). Big Kev tweeted it earlier that he is the reason why he watched Hockey as a kid. I grew up watching hockey, and I remember being six or seven years old, watching my Maple Leafs play the Canadians and wishing that Pat Burns could one day be our coach, because he just looked so cool behind the bench of the Canadians especially with his wicked Mustache! In 1992, the Leafs made that dream a reality, and he was the Coach of the Leafs, leading them to 2 conference finals, and a lot of fond memories.

The first thought of Pat Burns that always comes to my mind is how nice he was. In the old Maple Leaf Gardens, the seats my dad would get would be a couple of rows behind the Leafs bench. I always enjoyed it, not because I was so close to the ice, but the fact that I had to walk through the Leafs bench to get to my seats. That was probably the coolest thing. I'd be walking back with my 3 dollar popcorn (yes it was $3.00 at the old Maple Leaf Gardens, of course in 1992 that was outrageous pricing), and I'd be sharing that with the back up goaltenders. It was fond memories. Pat Burns was one of those fond memories as well. He'd stick his hand and grab some pop corn and as I am walking back to my seat up the isle, he'd give me a wink. The man, who was in charge of my hockey team, coaching the likes of Dougie, Wendal, Potvin, Elliot, Anderchuk, Anderson Borchevsky, Krushilniski, Foligino, was stealing my popcorn and being a kid about it. Those are moments that as a 10 year old kid, watching the Blue and White in my Gold Seats at the Gardens will never forget.

I still remember how insane the city was getting in 1993, it was the 100th Anniversary of the Stanley Cup, and the Leafs who placed 3rd in the Norris Division (yeah the Norris Division of the Clarence Campbell Conference) played the Detroit Red Wings in the first round. No one thought the Leafs had a chance, but they pulled off the victory in 7 games against the Wings! Unbelievable Moment when Nikolai Borchevsky scored the game winner.
Next opponent of course was the St. Louis Blues and we all remember the goal by Doug know the goal!!!!
Of course the next opponent was the L.A. Kings and we'll Leaf fans will never forgive Kerry Fraser for his blatant missed call in Game 6.

Pat Burns brought credibility back to the Toronto Maple Leafs, he brought back a winning tradition that we will never forget. It was a terrific run in Toronto those years, we had the Maple Leafs at the highest peak and the Toronto Blue Jays were winning championships too!!! I can only give Mr. Burns credit for their success too!

The Hockey Hall of Fame made a serious mistake this year by not inducting him into the Hall this year. That decision will cloud their heads for the rest of the committee's lifetime, however the results and the value that Pat Burns brought to the game of hockey will never be forgotten. He made a difference to the game, and for the rest of this weekend, and onto next week, Pat Burns will be remembered in every NHL arena, and not just in the ones he coached in.

If the NHL does decide to rename the trophies from the old names to new ones, the first one I'd change is the Jack Adams award for Coach of the Year, become the Pat Burns Award. Coaches should have a standard to rise to win this award, and there's no better role model to look up to than Pat Burns.

As this is Movember, and Awareness for Men's Cancer is the motivation behind my mustache, I would like to first and foremost be able to say that for the rest of my Mustache Journey, I would like to dedicate it not only to all those who have been impacted by men's cancer in their lives and loved ones, but also to the memory of Pat Burns. He might not remember who I am, but I sure remember him and the impact he made on my life. Pat Burns made hockey fun to watch in Toronto, and for that I show him my appreciation.

Follow me on twitter @jollybenjabi
Follow us on twitter @brokeanklesblog

I'm leaving you guys with this clip that I think just makes it right...this is truly Pat Burns at his best!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


this is amazing....i love these guys but am confident my brokeankles crew could kill it if we did more vids...hint hint

TBJ exclusive: Like A Bosh from The Basketball Jones on Vimeo.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Trick or Treat - Celtics Style

I must admit that I am not a huge celtics fan but I have always heard about how close everyone is on the team and how they all really enjoy each other's company off the court (even if they take swings at one another from time to time after practice - can you spot Mr. West in the pictures). I came across these pics of the Halloween party that they all went to - together. Very impressive - the costumes and the old school menu of chicken and ribs & macaroni pie.

My favourite is Ray Allen. His costume is off the hook. Runner up is Rondo. He gets an assist for that outfit. Love it when teams hang together.

Least favourite has to be P-dub. He dressed up as the frog from the "Princess and the Frog" - wait..I totally change my mind. He is my new winner. Google the "Princess and the Frog" and check out what the character Bruno Campos plays. Respect P - you have suddenly become one of my favs for representing your boy.


Nav B

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lebron James - Witchdoctor Curse - live footage

ok this is a classic story....a cleavland radio host hired a witch doctor to put a curse on Lebron James BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. This is actual footage from the radio show, unbelievable $hit!


Shame, Shame and Shame

So after all the hype, the rockstar entrances, the tweets and stupid commercials...guess who's 0-1.

I am writing this now, cause to be honest they will go on a tear at some point, and I won't be able to rub it in. They didn't run the ball, Lebron was a one man show once again (what's different then Cleveland.....), nobody knew what the f##k they were doing and Chris Bosh put up Dorsey-ish #s.

When they said CB4 was gonna be a third option, they really, really meant it. He had 8/8 last night, played a full game and was rarely involved in the offense. From a guy who was the 'man' for 7 years and put up 24/12 a night, to this situation.....if they don't win a chip, then was it really worth it!? A lot of my boys always said that's he's a second option on a good team. Wrong.

He's the third.

Let's see how these three bounce back, but Boston looked nuts and will be a difficult matchup for any team this season.

Raps are up tonight, we should beat the Knicks and tend to play well on opening night, so I am looking forward to, tonights game.


Kevin U
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lebron James - Rise - what's it missing!?!?

After watching this ad a few times and analyzing all its missing is the following:

-cameo of tiger woods

-tiger woods dad's voice in the background asking him the same questions in the woods commercial

-lil penny
-the puppets

-and a lady who's actually a phoinex falling from the sky like a comet and then turning it into a 35 min movie....

Play the game dude, stop drawing so much unnecessary attention to yourself B!

Kevin U
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"Hey guys, my hamstring is busted....hold me up please...."

Haahahahahaha....sorry just had to add that in, but it all begins tonight!

This is most likely the most anticipated NBA season in years, tons of story lines, tons of stacked teams and then these three guys......


They will be insane to watch, I have said it before, but I ask you brokeankles fam, what's the realistic expectation for this team? Serious ball heads please, comment, or tweet us your thoughts. I am personally mixed on this entire situation, cause its 3 guys, they are not to deep, and really haven't played much together. But, look at what happened when Ray Ray, Pauly P and KG hooked up a few years back. So I am at a total cross road to see how good this squad can be.


meh done nah know


Kevin U
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Monday, October 25, 2010

The Icon, The Legend - Allen Iverson

To add just a quick note on what Sunder wrote below in regards to Allen Iverson, yah I still can't believe 30 teams wouldn't give him a shot. Don't get it twisted for a second, he'll still light you up for 30 if you are doubting!

--side note, that is the greatest cover of SLAM magazine ever, hands down, it was even voted as the best in their 100th issue...I'm gonna turn it into a poster for my room hmmmmmm

Allen Iverson as all my boys know, is in my top 3 of all time. He not only changed the way the game was played but he transcended the entire sport of Basketball and the hoop culture. He brought the hip hop, gangsta attitude that a lot of us ball fans keep in the closet, and showcased it for the entire world to see what we are about.

**i have a pretty serious day job, but if you were to listen to the ish I have in my car and berry, you'd think I was from the CPT son!!**

He wasn't my role model by any means but was a guy that I could definitely get behind and understand, he couldn't do much wrong in my eyes, cause a lot of the shit he got into....well I'd be doing the same ish if I had the luxuries he did!! "Practice?"

Wonder why all these NBA cats get tats? Wonder about the corn rolls phase? Wonder about the bling, gear and swag these NBA cats have? Where did it all come from......

Yah you get my point. I can literally go on and on and on about Allen Iverson. He's actually my Mom's favorite player of all time, cause she'd always say...."He doesn't give a f#ck!!!" If you know my Ma, then you know that's a 100% true statement, foreal!!

AI, wishing you the best, hopefully you find your way back to the L and get sent off will always be the best player of all time below, 6ft. (I've seen him court side, its unbelievable to see a guy that size, do what he did).

I'm gettin emotional.....great.


Kevin U
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So long old friend

With it being official today that one of our favourite players will no longer be playing in the NBA this season, we say goodbye to Allen Iverson. Hands down, one of the greatest natural scores in history of the NBA. This 6'ft little man brought it every night for 14 years. Its a shame that his body has broken down and that his off court problems have pushed teams away. I can't believe 30 teams in this league do not think that Allen Iverson can still help them. Heart alone, this guy can do it for teams. For you teams who don't think AI would help you, I say Beat it!!! If you don't remember what this guy was about, just watch this clip and remember the true AI.

Post by Kevin S.

Lebron James Ad - Rise

Yah.....its dope.


Way too Melo for my liking

Is it me or we all getting sick of the melo situation.

Not sure who is at fault here. Can Melo be any more clearer on his intentions?

Back of his mind, he is already prepping for next summer where he will most likely take his talents elsewhere.

Do i fault him for wanting to leave? No. But he could have been more sublte about it. If you see him in interview or his preason games - his whole body language is way off. Awkward in a way like resigning your job and being at work for the next 2 weeks out of courtesy.

Now onto management, have you not learned anything? Get what you can and move on. We didnt get anything for Bosh and neither did Cleveland. Dont make the same mistake. Heck, if I were you, I would try and get Gilbert Arenas. Washington dont want him - he can do wonders for Denver. Imagine a backcourt with him and Billups. Thats two Mr. Big Shots on one team.
Put a swift end to the situation, unless you purposely want to drag this out and have the Denver fans turn on Melo - wait a minute - maybe thats what they really want!

I like Melo. He is one talented player who is a mismatch everynight for other forwards. If he wants to go somewhere else - he, like his draft class has every right to. It is not healthy for him or the Nuggets to drag this out through this season. I need to see the old Melo on the court not the dude who has money on his mind all the time - we got lil weezy for that.

A certain organization close to our hearts went through the same thing in 2004/2005 season before trading their unhappy superstar to the Nets on Dec 17/04. Guess what - it killed his career with the fans and we have been booing him since. The organization didnt get much back for reacting so late and it was an utter mess for all. Hence why I will still continue to boo him when he arrives town again this season in a Magic uniform.

Fix this soon Melo - your legacy at a crossroads my friend.

Peace and love,

Nav B

Raptors - Predications

Here's some choice exerts from, here's the exact link if you guys wanna check it....

Tim Legler, ESPN | Legler's picks

Chemistry will be better. They've had some problems in the locker room. Now you've sacrificed talent for that chemistry. Where is this team really going to find the offensive production it needs nightly? They have brought in a couple of role players -- Leandro Barbosa and Linas Kleiza -- for bigger roles.

Atlantic: 5

East: 15

Marc Stein, | Stein's picks

What's happening to the Raps post-Chris Bosh, speaking purely as a Canada lover, is tough to watch or write about.

Atlantic: 5

East: 15

Michael Wallace, | Wallace's picks

Quick, name Toronto's five starters. OK, try three. Two? Give up? Well, the Raptors insist they won't. But they will spend the season trying to recover from two major mistakes: Allowing Chris Bosh to walk in free agency for nothing, and that failed Hedo Turkoglu experiment.

Atlantic: 5

East: 15

Sickkkkkkk predications so far here's my favorite, check this:

Chris Broussard, ESPN Mag | Broussard's picks

Jay Triano is blessed. So is Bryan Colangelo, for that matter. In many cities, they'd be history. The Raptors won't go anywhere until they realize this is the NBA, not the Euro-league. They better get more guys who can defend at least a little bit. Bright note: DeMar Derozan.

Atlantic: 5

East: 13

Yah its gonna be a tough season.....

post by Kevin U

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Guess what's sold out everywhere

I can't wait to equip the whole Brokeankles squad with one of these badboys. Look out for it in your stockings fellas. I love this shirt.

God I love this game.

Peace & Love,

Nav B.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


So, who would have guessed the Leafs would be off to the start they are off to now. Victory over the Montreal Canadians in their first game; everyone was content (as it took 10 games or so last year to win the first one) but still some caution was blown as Montreal was without Mike Cammalleri or Andre Markov. The second game had the Leafs against the Ottawa Senators, and well either the Sens didn't show up last Saturday night, or the Leafs just completely rocked the snot out of them. So now, the Leafs are 2-0 and haven't started a season like that in nearly 10 years. Then you get the week of tests...Wednesday night as Pittsburgh plays host to the Leafs in the Maple Leafs debut at the new Consol Engery arena, and Friday night against the Rangers in New York. Victories in both games, not without some test of character. With the exception of the Ottawa game, the other three victories in the season were 1goal wins...Could it be, finally that the Leafs are getting the breaks that other teams have gotten on them over the last couple of years.

Thanks to Bruno at the BDC in Vaughan (yes a shout out to you Bruno P.) I too have purchased my Permit for a spot on Yonge Street for my lounge chair and cooler...I suggest you do the same!!!

I twittered it on Friday that Toronto's victory over the Blue Shirts of Broadway was more of a character builder than it was a victory. The Leafs were up 3-1 and won the game in Overtime 4-3. Last year, the team would have let in the late goal that screwed up the game (thanks Toskala) and another defeat would be in the bag.

How about Clarke MacArthur though...this guy is on fire!!! He's on pace to score 102 goals this season!!! That stat in itself is unreal!!! The Thrashers organization must be kicking them selves in the ass right about now. Sorry for the horrible US Broadcasting, but hey at least they said Kaberle's name right!!!

Colby Armstrong has been a pleasant surprise this season. He's a feisty player, who can add a little scoring punch, and at the same time, is disciplined. He was one of the centre pieces going to Atlanta in the Marian Hossa trade to the Pens a couple of years ago, and he knew then that he needed to get out of A-Town to go to a true Hockey market. Toronto is after all, the place where players who are feisty, gritty, and scrappy thrive...not just in hockey but every sport...remember the Junk Yard Dog?!?!?!

Here is the two key aspects as to why I think the Leafs are doing very well; and it starts with the top two lines.
1) The fact that the Leafs top two lines, are more like 2 2nd lines instead. With the exception of Phil Kessel, the other 5 players on the top two lines, are more your second line players. Whatever line Kessel is put on, that is automatically your top line. Bozak and Versteeg fill that line out quite well. Bozak looks bigger and stronger and his skating and Hockey IQ is top notch, A-1...first class. But on this particualar line, you have Kessel the sniper, Bozak the passer, and Versteeg filling out the role of grinder/agitator on the top line. The Leafs Second line, which has been the most surprising also has these three features with one key exception. Garbo is the passer, but Kulemin and MacArthur can rotate the roles of sniper and agitator at any time.
2) The Leafs have two second lines. Lets be honest, but this screws up the defensive make up of the opposition team. You know you have to have your number 1 and 2 defense on Phil Kessel at all times, that is a must. But then you put your 3 and 4 on the second line, and that could spell a lot of trouble. Specially, if the 2nd line is thriving and the 1 and 2 defense take them and now your vulnerable to the Kessel line (like the Rangers were on Friday night). Its a luxury that Brian Burke and Ron Wilson never had in the past and are realizing that it works very well and is effective!!!

What's on tap for the Leafs this week is a date with the New York Islanders...a retun date with the Rangers and then a Saturday night tilt versus the Philly Flyers!

Follow me on twitter @jollybenjabi
Follow us on twitter @brokeanklesblog

On a side note, this is probably the prettiest goal of the season, and if it isn't, its the prettiest goal by a rookie bar none! Enjoy

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Next Year Has Arrived...

43 years...Forty Three!!! Thats how many years its been since the Stanley Cup was paraded down Yonge Street. What has the world gone through in 43 years...well lets name off the top five moments (in my opinion) that have happened in Hockey in the last fourty three years...

5. The fall of Communisum...
Now of course as good Canadian boys we are, we will have to say this was due to Team Canada beating Team Russia in the good ol game of hockey in the historic Summitt series...

4. Wayne Gretzky goes California
Probably one of the most significant moments in NHL history, as the greatest player in the game, went on to Los Angeles to play for the Kings. On that faithful August day, Gretzky along with Mike Krushelnyski and Marty McSorley were traded to the Los Angeles Kings for Jimmy Carson, Martin Gelinas, $15,000,000.00 in cash and the L.A. Kings First Round Picks in 1989, 1990, and 1991. The trade was compared to the trade that sent the Babe to New York from Boston. Wayne made it sexy to go to L.A. Kings games, and even had the Old School Gangsta group of N.W.A. rocking their hats!!!

3. The Mighty Ducks Movies
The Triple Deck, Gordon Bombay and this was an epic movie beyond beleaf! District 5 turning into the Cinderella team everyone loves! Classic storyline. Thena another two movies come out, and all hell breaks loose! Gotta love the this classic moment from the Mighty I understand why Aneheim took the Mighty out...too Mickey Mouse for that shit!

2. The Draft
Now you might be thinking, what's this guy talking about...the Draft?!?!?! Yes the best draft in NBA history was the one where Bosh, Wade, Melo and a guy by the name of James were drafted...but the Draft that was the most intriguing was the Entry Draft of 2005. For the first time in history, every team in the NHL had an opportunity to get the first overall draft pick. Teams were allocated 1,2 or 3 ping pong balls based on certain criteria. The winner of this super lottery had the right to draft Sydney Crosby...and in five short years in a pro career, he's acheived a Stanley Cup Ring, All Star apperances, and of course...the other goal heard round the world that just happend in February!!!

1. Chicago finally wins the cup
49 years after winning their last Stanley Cup, in June of 2010, the Chicago Blackhawks finally were able to take the title of the longest loser away from their city. Patrick Kane scored one of the weirdest winning goals in history, and voila, the Chicago Blackhawks and all their glory, won the most coveted prize in hockey. This now leaves...the Toronto Maple Leafs as the longest streak between Stanley Cup Parades in league history.

So that was my top five moments over the last 43 let me tell you what I'm most looking forward to this year from our boys in Blue.

1. Defense
The Leafs have been tabbed as having one of the most talented and deepest defense corps in the league. However, the monkey they need to get over is the fact that they were last in goals against and last when defending the Penalty Kill...if they want to have any chance of making the playoffs, they'll have to make sure these two figures are much better, and it starts with the Goalies and the Dman...

2. Kris Versteeg
This was one of those trades that you kinda scratched your head over and wondered how did Brian Burke make this deal work. Well, he was able to and good on him. Versteeg is a speedy winger who will get you the goals and points you need. He's also a proven winner, and with the bling of the Stanley Cup ring on his finger, thats always a nice asset to have!!!

3. Phil Kessel
This guy played a little more than 2/3 of a season last year and with 0 training camp and was able to get to 30 goals. The Leafs and the fans are looking for this guy to make an impact on the team. I said last year round this time that if Kessel gets 30 goals for the Leafs, he'll be the captain...of course we didn't have Dion Phaneuf this time last year. Kessel has one of the most quickest sticks I've seen on the ice, and he's a speedy skater. His committment to fitness really showed in some of the pre-season games he's played in. Finally maybe we'll have the winger Sundin never had...

4. Nazem Kadri
The most newsworthy Leaf, isn't even a Leaf to start the season, and I think that was the smartest thing Wilson and Burke did. Now, a lot of people are saying, he was one of the final cuts last year and almost made the team and now he didn't...that's gotta be a step backwards. Well no, if Kadri made the team, he's going to be a first or a second line centreman. Anything less than that and he should be sent to minors where he can play 20-25 minutes per game. He played Junior last season, and was able to represent Canada in the World Juniors...the Marlies will be a good step for him...look what it did to Getzlaf, Perry and Ryan!!!

5. Kaberle
The Longest serving Leaf, wasn't even in the running for the Captaincy of the team. Furthermore, the man wasn't even given an 'A' for the season. The end is near, and both sides know it. The only thing Kaberle can do is sell himself to the rest of the league and be the player that he knows he can be. I still stand by my Kaberle for Staal theory, however don't be surprised if a team like San Jose comes into the could become more interesting watching Kaberle on the trade front rather than the Ice!!!

I'm looking forward to Thursday, finally the NHL Season is back and I can't wait!!!

This video is most appropriate for that!!!

Follow me on twitter @jollybenjabi
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The Greatest Sports Game of our Generation

So as you can all gather, i picked up 2K11 early this morning, its sitting on my desk still as im at work (balls).

Anyhow, i wont be able to play it until after the Heat game tonight, so for now, here's IGN's review of the game, and ill add mine soontimes.


Got It!

Why the hell am I still at work??!!??
If you wanna get dubbed online, add me on the ps3 network.

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Kevin U
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Monday, October 4, 2010


So tomorrow brokeankles peeps, it begins....and eh! While reading this post play the video above, Pharaoh Monche needs some serious love! ( i hear this track, i feel like punching the $hit out of the other founder of this blog, sunder...)

Lebron James, Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh take the first steps in their journey for that coveted ring. I mean on this blog alone, we have sand bagged Bosh, killed Lebron and have talked a lot of $hit in regards to this whole "situation", and the way it was handled by in particular Chris Bosh (and his tweets/bs), and Mr. "Im taking my talents to South Beach."

Anyhow all BS aside, I am not being hypocritical or anything right now, well maybe a TAD lol, but I am a fan of the game and watching three guys like this play 82 games together is going to be a little crazy. It is making me think back to my 96/97/98 Bulls. I mean I would literally get ready as if I was heading to a party to watch their games. It was an event, it was like, "eh Kevin, what's the plan tonight?" My response, "Im watching the Bulls..." Gel in hair, CK1 sprayed everywhere and all. Cause you never knew who'd come by ;)

I'd wear the "t-shirt, before the t-shirt" and announce, "t-shirt time..." before the game would start, thats how serious I was, kinda like this, with me and my boys (still is actually lol):

The Bulls brought that kind of excitement to the game and the Miami Heat will for sure. The O/U on their games won/loss is at 63.5 which is a super number, cause normally I would take that bet, but this time I am gonna pass. Are they gonna go 72-10? Are they gonna go 82-0? I mean, these guys have a lot to prove, and dont think for a second those egos and all those leadership issues will happen as many suspect. All these cats took pay cuts, and wanted to play with each other to getter'done. They know what's at stake, reputation, legacy, legend....everything, they will make it happens, I am sure of it.

Its year 1, they will have their up's and down's here and there, more up's then down's. LAL is still the team to beat, and perhaps its still LA's for the taking, but these guys will get there's soon enough. When they do its going to be the start of perhaps the most dominating force since the Bulls of the 90s.

NBA2K11 is out tomorrow on a side note...OKC is my squad (in 2K), so you can imagine how many times I am going to have those Friday night battles between the Heat and Thunder. Or how about, the 96 Bulls vs the Heat, since its the MJ EDITION SON!

and your gf's favorite sports stud, @_bigkev_

follow peeps!


Ok hit stop now on the Monche......

I can shoot better then Bron Bron

ok, no joke, ive hit 3 in a row at Canada's Wonderland, and even that long distance 3 where you get that big prize. Anyone one of my 499 ex's can vouch for this, as they all have received the fruits of my shooting prowess.

Anyhow, check out this brick fest....


I GOT'EM BACK YALL...... Nate Robinson Twitvid - Crowning Shaq

This video is jokes...buddies of mine at the old trading desk sent this over to me on Friday...
check it out:

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post by @_bigkev_

Friday, October 1, 2010

First came "The Decision" - Next we wait for "The Return"

I have not weighed in that much with respect to all that Lebron hype this summer and I really am not planning to get into all that. Bottom Line: I still like the dude. He is a tremendous young athlete that already has impacted the game and pop culture so much in such a short period of time.

I have also been reading all the LBJ bashing in the media, opinion polls, ex-legends and current NBA players throwing him under the bus etc. Anyone that competes on any level will tell you that there is nothing more fuelling than being hated. As LBJ said in his tweet "he will remember everything". I believe him, because I remember everything that people say that I cant do and I want to do it ten times over.

On that note - Gladiator (the movie) was on TV the other night (which happens to be one of my favourite movie of all time). If you havent seen it - go see it. Its a must for all avid DVD collectors. There is one scene in the movie where we get to fully experience Maximus's bottled up rage and vengence and I started relating it to what would happen when James goes back to Cleveland this season:

Dan Gilbert: Rise, rise.

Dan Gilbert: Your fame is well deserved, Spaniard. I don't think there's ever been a basketball player to match you. As for this young cleveland fan, he insists you are Oscar Robertson reborn. Or was it Jordan? Why doesn't the hero reveal himself and tell us all your real name? You do have a name.

LBJ: My name is MVP. [turns away from Dan Gilbert]

Dan Gilbert: How dare you show your back to me! Slave, you will remove your headband and tell me your name.

LBJ: [removes headband and turns around to face Dan Gilbert] My name is Lebron Raymone James, Captain of the former Cleveland Cavaliers, General of the St. Vincent – St. Mary Fighting Irish, loyal servant to my true fans in Akron, Ohio. Father to two proud sons, teammate to a loving Heat organization and spokesman for Nike, Sprite, Glacéau, Bubblicious, Upper Deck, McDonald's and State Farm. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.

[Dan Gilbert trembles in disbelief - Craig Sager trembles in disbelief - crowd in Cleveland goes silent - TNT cuts into commercial]

Maybe this scene will only play out in my head but either way I can't wait for Dec 2, 2010 for "The Return". Mark your calendars.

Nav B.
(Yes I dream about basketball all the time.)