Friday, October 1, 2010

First came "The Decision" - Next we wait for "The Return"

I have not weighed in that much with respect to all that Lebron hype this summer and I really am not planning to get into all that. Bottom Line: I still like the dude. He is a tremendous young athlete that already has impacted the game and pop culture so much in such a short period of time.

I have also been reading all the LBJ bashing in the media, opinion polls, ex-legends and current NBA players throwing him under the bus etc. Anyone that competes on any level will tell you that there is nothing more fuelling than being hated. As LBJ said in his tweet "he will remember everything". I believe him, because I remember everything that people say that I cant do and I want to do it ten times over.

On that note - Gladiator (the movie) was on TV the other night (which happens to be one of my favourite movie of all time). If you havent seen it - go see it. Its a must for all avid DVD collectors. There is one scene in the movie where we get to fully experience Maximus's bottled up rage and vengence and I started relating it to what would happen when James goes back to Cleveland this season:

Dan Gilbert: Rise, rise.

Dan Gilbert: Your fame is well deserved, Spaniard. I don't think there's ever been a basketball player to match you. As for this young cleveland fan, he insists you are Oscar Robertson reborn. Or was it Jordan? Why doesn't the hero reveal himself and tell us all your real name? You do have a name.

LBJ: My name is MVP. [turns away from Dan Gilbert]

Dan Gilbert: How dare you show your back to me! Slave, you will remove your headband and tell me your name.

LBJ: [removes headband and turns around to face Dan Gilbert] My name is Lebron Raymone James, Captain of the former Cleveland Cavaliers, General of the St. Vincent – St. Mary Fighting Irish, loyal servant to my true fans in Akron, Ohio. Father to two proud sons, teammate to a loving Heat organization and spokesman for Nike, Sprite, Glacéau, Bubblicious, Upper Deck, McDonald's and State Farm. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.

[Dan Gilbert trembles in disbelief - Craig Sager trembles in disbelief - crowd in Cleveland goes silent - TNT cuts into commercial]

Maybe this scene will only play out in my head but either way I can't wait for Dec 2, 2010 for "The Return". Mark your calendars.

Nav B.
(Yes I dream about basketball all the time.)

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