No other way to say it. Cleveland got exposed as a one man team last night, thus jeopardizing the existence of basketball in Cleveland. If you think cities like Toronto has it bad with their sport teams, Cleveland's got it worse. LeBron James and the Cavs got beaten by a more complete team in the Celtics in every facet you could imagine. From Kevin Garnett playing like he did in his prime, Tony Allen giving the Celts good energy off the bench to Rajon Rondo completely out playing Mo Williams, who I feel is extremely over rated. I posted it earlier, you don't win with dudes like Jamario Moon on your squad. It's not natural or right.
If you look at the above image with LeBron being surrounded by those ballers, that's how they beat him. Their are 2 choices when you are battling a superstar and his squad, 1) Let LeBron do his thing and shut his teammates down or 2) shut LeBron down and let his squad beat you. Too bad his teammates didn't get that memo. Mo Williams, Shaq and Antawn Jamison all got outplayed in their positions, particularly Jamison who had to battle against a healthy KG. But for me, Mo Williams was extremely disappointing. How do you go off for 20 in the half and then 2 in the second half? Inexcusable. Rondo destroyed you like Big Kev destroys pints. It seemed when the Cavs got down, they just put the ball in Bron's hands and watched him. No movement, no cuts, nothing. Even though he had a bad series, this does not fall on LeBron's, the guys a baller and was beat by a team that plays great defense and knows what it takes to win in crunch time.
The big question with Cleveland is what happens now? Do you re-tool again and try again or does Bron comes to his senses and realize he has a better chance in Chicago? KG said it best last night, loyalty can hurt you. If the Cavs made the Conference Finals or NBA Finals, I would have said Bron stays, but the second round exit makes you now question if the time has come to explore his options. Since this kid came into the league, he has had the unbelievable pressure of resurrecting the Cavs and the city of Cleveland. You know Shaq is gone, Jamison isn't going anywhere with his contract, Mo Williams played himself out of going to a contender. The rest of the team is either getting older (Parker, Big Z) or they just don't fit into the Cavs to make it work any more. Mike Brown has to go as well. His rotations and stagnant play calling really hurt this team. All year you saw the Cavs smiling and dancing and play care free. That same cockiness and attitude disappeared. With Orlando looking like the squad to beat in the East for a while and Boston still hanging on, the Cavs window is coming to a close. I'm a basketball fan and I think it is important for Bron to get his ring, just like Kobe, Garnett and Duncan got theirs, and the biggest thing Bron has to do to get his is get rid of all this talk of being a billionaire and business man and stick to playing ball. Once he does that, everything will line up for him.
In Toronto, when are teams get eliminated, I take it as a kick to the shin, knowing our team wasn't good enough again. In Cleveland, the last 2 years have to got feel like they have been kicked in the balls, only this time, they ain't getting up from this kick. I would tell Cleveland to cheer up, but they got the Browns and Indians, but hey it could be worse, you could live in Buffalo. DREW CAREY RULES!!!
Post by Kevin S follow us on twitter at, twitter.com/brokeanklesblogemail us at, brokeanklesdotblogspot@gmail.com
my favorite part of this article is knowing that big kev can destroy pints....