Do you honestly think if the majority of those tweets told Chris he should come to Minnesota or Sacramento, he would listen to them and sign there? That perhaps is taking your fans for granted and not really caring about their opinion. In Chris's exit press conference, he indicated that he has only had to change his life twice, once in deciding to go to Georgia Tech and the other is being drafted by Toronto. I truly believe, Chris is going to take his time in deciding where he is going to play next year. So that's why I can't understand his tweet on Friday. I can understand if he asked his following where he should go for vacation, where to eat, but not where to play. Seems weird and out of place. Since Chris got here, he has played hard and has never complained about his situation and has arguably become the top PF in the league as well as a top 10 player, but he hasn't won. Part of that is the squads that have been built around him, the coaches and timing (Boston acquiring the big 3). Chris does deserve some of the blame though, like his defense and tendencies to disappear in some games, but he still is the best player in Toronto and has done more good than bad.
If Chris does decide to leave, I do not think it will be the end of the Raps. BC will do something to make this team better. Also, how bad could it be? If you haven't won with Bosh, how much more can you lose without him? Chris has embraced Toronto has his second home and if he wasn't in his twenties living in one of the coolest cities in the world, he would have bolted a long time ago. Face it, for night life, Toronto is one of the best around. I think Chris will leave this summer and get his chance to win, but then again, it could blow up in his face. Look at when Grant Hill left Detroit, the Pistons won their chip not too long after that. Hopefully Raps fans can get that feeling soon, with or without Bosh.
Post by Kevin S
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