Not one person that I have spoken to since "The Decision" was made agrees with it. LeBron James single handily has changed basketball whether we like it or not. His decision to take his "talents to South Beach" has changed the way teams and players look at building winning teams. Gone are the days of drafting a stud player and building around him. Instead, teams will now try and surround that player with key marquee players to win now. If not, that player bounces after their rookie contract and tries to form the new mega three. Boston's situation was completely different. KG and Ray were traded and understood that it was Pierce's team. Say hello to the softer NBA.
Now with news that Chris Paul wants to leave New Orleans, the rumour is that he wants to join Amare in New York and is pushing hard for Melo to join him next year. What happened to players wanting to beat these guys instead of joining them? Jordan was right; never in his day would he call Magic and Bird to join forces. Back in the day, teams never acknowledged each other before games. No big hugs,no daps. It was on as soon as you step on the court. Now, forget it. If you look at how society is today, younger people don't want to work for anything. They want get to the top without putting in the work. Look at Bron, every summer, you hear about this cat working on becoming a mogul or a billionaire. How often do you hear about him working on his game? Until he does that, Kobe is the man to beat and Durant is going to pass you. Which is why I am pulling hard for OKC this year. That's a team that's doing it right. Young squad with a humble leader who wants to continue to get better. That attitude eventually gets to your teammates. I have no problem with Bron leaving Cleveland. he did his time and had the right to leave. But if you wanted true credit, you sign with Chicago or stay in Cleveland. You can win 10 rings in a row, but no one will respect it. Face it Bron, you took the easy road.
With this new trend of mega teams coming along, I feel sorry for dudes like Steve Nash who put work in and get shafted. It's not right. I'm not gonna lie though, I will watch the Heat because in the end, this team will be ridiculous. You can ask the co-creator of this site and he'll tell you I'm not a Lakers fan, but come this season, I am pushing hard for Kobe to put these guys in their place. I'm also hoping Boston has one more push in them to slap these guys back to reality. If not, I can always rely on my Raps to put up a good fight. Yeah right!!! We're so screwed in Toronto.
Post by Kevin S
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