The trade deadline just passed and you can tell who were going for it this year (Cleveland, Dallas) and who were trying to buy for next year (
Knick, Clippers). NBA trades are more about cap space than about talent, which is sad, because fans of teams get excited about cap space rather than talent coming in. When free agency hits, the tier guys are going to stay or book it to one of these markets. But what happens to the rest of guys.
I'm not talking about 1A guys (Joe Johnson, Chris Bosh),
I'm talking about guys like Drew
Gooden's, Al Harrington's, Nate Robinson's and Bobby Simmons? You know, the over rated guys in the league. I have no problem with these guys getting their own. They have a short playing time and they should get theirs. Only problem, once they get theirs, they plateau out and management and fans see it was a mistake to sign that player. Toronto is experiencing that with
Hedo right now.

Compared to other sports, this concept of the over rated player is huge in the NBA as they have smaller rosters. So when you are paying Larry Hughes close to 10 million to come
off your bench, you have a problem. It's guys like Hughes, Tim Thomas, Randy
Foye, Kenon Martin,
samuel Dalembert and Sean May who were either drafted high or came from good programs where they were allowed to succeed who become highly over rated in the
pros and for the first few years and sold to fans for their potential. These dudes come in already with a sense of entitlement and rely purely on their
athleticism and never truly pick up the smarts and
instincts for the game. Tim Thomas is perfect example of a dude you want to choke out for not getting it. He has the right frame for the NBA, but lacks the intelligence to pick up things. His worst mistake was leaving
Phoenix for the Clips. Nash made him look incredible. I hear this from fans when they get guys like Adam Morrison, Sebastian
Telfair to their teams; if we can tap into his potential, he can help us. Eventually, you have to realize who these guys are for you. Sub standard players. For every 5 Adam Morrison's, you will get 1 Shannon Brown, who was a throw in for the Morrison deal with LA.
The NBA is sold to fans for it's individualism more than it's team concept. So when these players come into the league, this the path way that has set for them. I don't blame for thinking about their endorsements and merchandising sales for them. But dude, if you are earning $11 million a year, at least have a double digit scoring average
Post by Kevin S
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