I have wrote this before, and i shall say it again. In sports, there are games you are suppose to win, and games you are suppose to lose. Tonight's loss against the USA hockey team, was a game we were suppose to win. At home, in Hockey, you do not lose to Team USA. You just don't do it. Team Canada Hockey has been really, really over hyped and going over to my facebook just now, and all the excuse status updates and even on twitter (cough cough bobby) tweets that i am reading are just funny. "Roberto should have started", "in 2002 Canada lost the won the gold...". BLAH BLAH BLAH. This team has been so hyped by everyone in this country, the media, fan's, that you would figure they are the equivalent of Team USA Basketball in skill and dominance. Bobby wrote a post below this about the game, getting more in depth with it...reporting it (bobby grrrr), I have a different take on things......
There were many reasons why the Canadian team lost, many of them technical and some of them a little qualitative, but I am pretty straight forward and i dont care why they lost. Bottom line is they should have won. Its like Team USA Basketball losing to Spain in Madison Square Gardens on a Friday night. Yeah its a possibility, but the team has been hyped up enough, and when looking down the roster you realize that there is actually no F'N chance in hell they will lose cause the team is just stacked. Same goes for this Canadian Hockey squad, sure many of the countries are great, Russia, Sweden, USA, but when looking down the roster of the Canadian team and looking down the roster of the Eastern/Western Conference NHL All Star Team's, there is not much difference. I mean I am not the biggest guy in terms of knowledge of the NHL, Sunder and Bobby who write on this site know the sport well. But i know SPORTS son....and what i just witnessed, a whole country disappointed and maybe that Canadian pride got swallowed after tonight's loss.
And eh....it wasnt even like a close game, 4-2, and the Canadian team couldnt put shit into that net, well maybe Sidney Crosby (literally fell into the net) but other then that, they couldnt score nadda, even with all that advertised fire power.
Hopefully they can make it though, and win the gold still or get a medal, but this loss was very, very unacceptable. I can go on and on, but i like keeping my posts right to the point!
Post by Kevin U
Post by Kevin U
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Great Post buddy...not an excuse, but part of the difference between team usa basketball and hockey canada...Hockey has become a global sport that the other nordic countries have caught up to, however...your right....Olympics, Canada USA vs. Canada it was a game Canada should have won!!! regardless stop hating on my posts....lol
ReplyDeletehahahaah not hating bro, have much love for all your work..... those fuckers better win tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteFYI, looks like Babcock took my advice...first line...Staal Crosby and Iggy and Nash is with Getz and Perry...