Its that time of the year, if your a NBA Fantasy pro, the dreaded playoffs. If your in a CBS/ESPN or of course the best fantasy pool site, Yahoo Fantasy Sports your week 1 matchups are underway in your head to head league and your either in or your out.
I myself am an avid fantasy basketball player and sometimes a resident expert (I am a draft day genius!!) and have been fortunate to never miss the playoffs each year in my leagues, since about ummmmm 2000. I usually play in about 3 head to head leagues, 1 public, 1 friends or my own (but after last seasons royal f'n mess ill never be a commish again!! ) and now finally I'm in a dynasty league (pick a team, its yours for life, 3-4 off season drops, following season 5 rd draft with 1 additional roster slot). Friends league I finished 5th in the regular season, despite being on top for the better part of 3 months (injuries!), in the public I finished 2nd and in the dynasty I finished at the #1 spot, son.
Fantasy sports play in a head to head league is trivial at best in my eyes in terms of the playoffs. I mean for 20 weeks, your doing lineups, adding/dropping players, trading and constantly monitoring news/injury reports, etc. It's a time consuming game and a lot of fun but it does take a lot out of you. Factor in being a de generate gambler on top of it all, it would be safe to say I know just about everything there is to know about ball at all times. BUT!!! And you know there always is one, my issue as mentioned before is with the playoff structure. Its total bs in my opinion. It lasts 1 month, so 4.5 weeks, the .5 implying additional days added to the final week of play if your in the hunt for the chip and its all or none. Much like march madness, you either bring it or you don't. With this being said a few things happen:
-guys like luol deng who avg 18/8 for the season begin to get dropped for guys like "jrue holiday" yah that's his name "jrue". Why you ask? Cause "Jrue" who plays on the sixers has two 4 game weeks, while the bulls have a 3/2 schedule
-my 5th place finish league, I have guys like Bosh, Deron, Mayo, basically I'm f'n stacked but am now contemplating dropping them for guys like, "Jrue", Deandre Jordan, Javal Mcghee and other lackies who play on teams with favorable schedules.
-go look at the "waiver wire" in any league right now, they are completely and utterly depleted, for instance in my public league the top guy available is Leon Powe.....wow.
Guys or gals in that matter, who lay it down during the regular season and make the playoffs kudos. You all most likely have been doing something right for the season and should receive a bit of love if not a lot of love for making it this far with a strong team. But now your subject to facing someone who does all of the above points and oh my favorite....
-adding/dropping players daily to ensure a complete lineup. The points above are validated through this strategy. It basically ensures that every night you have a full head of steam going so teams with guys like bosh, lebron and ummm melo, lose out to teams who have a roster looking more like an NBDL all star team.
My friends league and public league were great fun this year, like great fun. I enjoyed making some new ball fan friends over the net and correspond with them via email, on the site and on this site. Thanks for the support yahoo fantasy sports league #0153822 and the bugger in the 4 spot, mr luca p himself aka the wop warrior. But I really think yahoo and the other leagues should adopt a merit or pt system for the peeps that finish strong during the regular season!!!
My dynasty league dominance was something special. I'm pretty happy with the squad that will be mine for years to come, I have a bye right now since I finished first....but I wouldn't mind writing an update to tell you all win I win, here's the team:
-z randolph/ lamarcus aldridge
-westbrook / aaron brooks
-trevor ariza/jermaine oneal
Ummmm I have a couple more ridiculous....oh snap
-tyreke evans and danny granger!!!
lol, how could I have forgotten those two, beauty with the dynasty league is that none of that craziness I mentioned above can happen, would you really risk losing a guy like granger so you can have javal mcghee for a few days errrrrrr "my tie is Nooooooot black" hahahahahah....
Goodluck to the fantasy ball heads, and if your having trouble figuring out what you need to do, bigkev is always here for you, drop me a line on twitter or via email!
Peace kids.
Post by Kevin U
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