I had posted this story on our twitter feed earlier, and have read it a few times now. I remember sms-ing and facebooking this story on sunder's (co-blogger, kevin sunder) facebook page as soon as it broke, even messaging friends, family and posting it on my own facebook page, hence being a sports fanatic!
Gilbert Arenas first of all is a first class moron, this doesnt stem just specifically from this incident but i can go back in my mind almost two years ago, when Ben Gordon was up for free agency. Ben Gordon, yah thats right, 2 years ago, he had a guaranteed offer from the bulls and opted for free agency, Luol Deng was also offered an extension but opted for free agency as well. Gilbert however, decided to call them out on his blog on nba.com, saying, actually here's the exact quote :
"It ain't about just Iggy, Deng and Emeka, it's about everyone. It's about all young players out there who are going into negotiating and who are be going to do it in the future. If somebody offers you $12 million and you think you're worth more than that, somebody should punch you in your face if you turn down that money. What if you get hurt and you can't play basketball again? You just lost $60 million. You just threw away a great lottery ticket. That's what people don't understand."
taken from - http://blog.washingtonpost.com/wizardsinsider/2007/12/gordon_deng_respond_to_gilbert_1.html
Coming from the guy who bounced on GSW in year two for free agency and went to the highest bidder at 112 or 111 million bucks. Those are your peers, and back then i remember saying to myself, this dude needs to shut the f**k up....besides this story, Arenas has constantly found himself opening up to his fan's through his blog and twitter account, your a ball player dude, stick to that, your not Oprah.
Right now this guy is in some real deep $hit, like FBI serious $hit. According to numerous articles I have read, JC and GA had an argument stemming over a gambling debt GA owed to JC, 25K dollars or so. Understandable a dispute takes place, but it came to a head back at their arena and the two drew firearms at each other. Now this is where it gets a little fuzzy for me. Some reports are saying they drew pistols at each other in a heated exchange, but others are saying, they wanted to see who's gun is bigger. The way this plays out in my head, is you have a beef with a guy for 25K, and your JC, you aint making GA money, 25K is substantial in that case. You both continue to argue, alpha males going at it in a testosterone nest (locker room) both guys pull out their pieces and scare the crap out of everyone else...end of story, it leaks and now im writing about it.
David Stern does not play, Carmelo was made an example of, for an on the court incident, JR Smith has been made an example of, for an off the court incident....NFL players, have been made examples of over the last year over fire arm usage, in nightclubs, shooting yourself...lol, ill let that be. But you guys get my point. Stern is going to come down on this dude with a vengeance I think. If this was GA 2 years ago, when he was "Agent 0" things would play out differently, star treatment, slap on the wrist, etc, etc....But this guy hasnt played in about 2 years, is sucking the life financially out of an organization that is struggling, and is just not at the level of play we are all accustomed to. In Hindsight, this is a blessing in disguise for the Wiz or for this article we will refer to them as the Bullets lol. They can void this guys 111MM dollar deal and tell him to bounce. Making them a player in the oh so coveted FA market in 2010. That would be what, like 18MM off their books for a year or so??? Go buy yourself Joe Johnson, and let this guy go back and sign with GSW where he can be "Agent 0" all over again. Gilbert's game has been dramatically effected over all these surgeries he has had in the past 2 years. He is not the Hibachi anymore, he is not Agent 0 anymore, his 15mins are up in my opinion. This story just added more fuel to a growing fire, his style of play does not work in the NBA anymore, see Allen Iverson (love AI, but its true). In 1999, GA would be really coveted, or in 2009 if he was a Deron Williams type PG, he would be coveted, but he chooses not to be. He's Iverson 2010.
I hope this guy sorts out his health, sorts out this drama and really refocuses himself to be great once again. I loved GA since his GSW days, but those surgeries have really effected his game. Add on this awesome story, it just doesnt add up anymore. I know Sunder has some things to say about this, maybe we can add onto this, im sure ill follow up with this once a decision and verdict is made by the FBI and the NBA, but i wouldn't be surprised to see both him and JC, out of the NBA this year. JC playing in Greece next year, his career has been dismal thus far anyhow, and GA, signing elsewhere on a mid level exception somewhere, hmmm maybe in Toronto lol
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Oh and Happy New Year Everyone!
Written by -Kevin U
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