Tough game, really tough game. Sometimes in sports, there are teams that just have your number. For the Raps I can honestly say that three teams have them by the balls, and no matter how well they play and how hard, these teams always just always beat us. Atlanta being one, the Bobcats being the other, and the f'n Celtics as the last squad. Today's game, Sunday afternoon game, which i despise, too damn early, was tight throughout, but Boston always seemed to have an answer for any rally Toronto tried to put fourth.
The officiating was pretty suspect throughout the game, Triano picked up an early Technical in the first half, and both squads were chirp pin with the ref's throughout. Bosh did the Bosh thing as usual, the guy is really on a f'n tear this season, really happy for him. Andrea played strong, actually the team played well but Boston hit the 3 ball well thanks to Sheed and just always had their foot down on the Raps. Hedo Turk'n'Jerk, is a real disappointment. I mean he's a total waste of money, 1/2 way through the 4th he had 2 pts, was like .167 from the field and had 7 assists. He is really not getting it down, and i think its time to send his ass to the bench. Id go with a 5 looking like, Bosh, Andrea, Jack, DeRozan, Wright. Where Jose/Amir and Weems are first off the bench and then figure out what the hell you wanna do with Hedo. He's a defensive liability, a really poor athlete, streaky shooter and too slow of the pick n roll to be effective. He's really frustrating, and I am really started to get annoyed with him.
The Raptors have played extremely well since mid December, like i have said before there are games you have to win, and games you will have to lose. This was one of them, I knew the outcome before this game even started, and am writing this with 5mins to go in the 4th lol...i know my ball. I cannot knock this loss, cause they played a superior team that is the best defensive team in the league, and each player on the C's know's there roles and the system cold. The Raptors fought hard, played well but were slightly outclassed.
Im gonna blog about the raptors after this post, later on this week, im gonna start venting about some things that really frustrate me and my honest analysis of their team so far and what i see ahead for them.
post by Kevin U
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