This is part 2 of the segment i started earlier this week, here are some more surprises this season at the half.
Brandon Jennings/Tyreke EvansIts been a long time since I have looked at rookie guards and said to myself, WTF.....These two guys are just amazing. Brandon Jennings for the first 3 months of this season was in the MVP race if you ask me, he’s just been phenomenal. Besides his scoring savvy (55pts outburst) the guy just understands the dynamics of the game. Being undersized at the one and in terms of a proto typical NBA player, he uses his speed, explosiveness and IQ to do whatever he wants on the court. Playing under Scott Skiles has been another advantage for him, and Skiles himself has showed gratitude and talked very highly of his PG of the future.
Tyreke Evans = STUD. Evans was destined for greatness since he was drafted. His build, and demeanour were already NBA super star material.

His ability to play the 1 and 2 effectively is just amazing and being on a shitty Kings squad where he has been forced to learn and be the man, has already made him an All Star calibre player in my view. He plays with a grace if you guys get what im saying, everything he does is so effortless yet so effective, much like Brandon Roy, and i truly feel he will become a Brandon Roy type of player for this Kings squad in the future, statistically and leadership wise. I also drafted him in my dynasty league this year...bbboooooyyyaaaa...(which im currently dismantling the rest of the people in) and honestly Tyreke gets the start over a lot of 1/2nd rounder’s on my squad weekly, why? Cause he’s just incredible, every game if you look at the box score you know he’s made his mark and done everything he can do to try to get a “W”.
Steve NashHe’s turning 36 very, very soon if my memory serves me correctly .... He looks better then ummm Chris Paul and Deron Williams and has basically in my view, solidified himself as the best PG this game has seen in the last 8 years or so. The Suns are one of those surprise teams this year as well, due to the fact that they have taken a step back so to speak over the last few years. The squad is ageing, they had lost some key pieces over the last few years to trades or free agency and looked to be rebuilding slowly. Nash however has had a different mindset since day one.

He’s playing his heart out and as a little PG is 3rd in the league in double doubles, leads the league in assists, and has just been the Nash of the MVP eras for the better part of this whole season. I am interested to see how they fair in the playoffs this season, I really like Gentry as the Head Coach there, I do think they make a move on trade deadline to get another solid piece to help them in the playoffs; it will be interesting to see if they can maintain this solid play as the season progresses. As long as Nash is playing the way he does, they will continually have a fighting chance.
Rajon RondoThis guy is your true starting point guard for this year’s 2010 Eastern Conference All Star Team. Boston has been solid since they made the move to get the big three, but even after last season they should be the big four. Rajon has played better and better as each year has gone on, and this year, due to injuries he’s been willing this team to wins.

Playing alongside Ray Allen and Paul Pierce (in my opinion the man who owns boston) has really helped his game out. This season though, since game one he has put it altogether. A constant triple double threat, defensive specialist and leader on the court, this guy has everyone playing around him great. Making shit ass players look good, something only the Raptors are capable of doing. Rajon Rondo is also a great guy, you never hear about him doing stupid shit, or running his mouth. He truly lets his game speak and everyone around the league has taken notice and finally given the young point guard his due.
post by Kevin U
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did you just call the suns "a surprise"?
ReplyDeletei guess the spurs are a surprise too. who knew.
ReplyDeleteis any team team that wins without kobe bryant a surprise as well?
it's amazing how asshurt you get when someone points out your obvious breakdowns in logic. you should maybe entertain thoughts of disabling the comment section of your blog if you're not going to allow for discourse like an adult.
ReplyDeletedude like we said before, do your homework and get back to us. these comments are not even worth while.
ReplyDeletespurs are a different breed altogether, thats a team that hasnt missed the post season, well umm maybe since you were born....
nowhere in my post did i mention the spurs, nor kobe. and its not a matter of "wins" its a matter of how you are getting it done. The Spurs are stacked so i dont know where you come off with that horse shit comment.
secondly, the suns are surprise for the reasons i stated, a lot of ball heads agree with me on that. read the post again.
we expect people who can actually provide intelligent criticism to post and take it as it may. your comments are pretty fucking stupid to be honest with you and add no value nor depth to our posts.
"is any team that wins without kobe bryant a surprise as well.." WTF...are you retarded?
we are planning on revamping this site and getting off the blogger doing this elsewhere. we will make a kids version of the site for people like you, or down syndrome version. whatever works better.
honestly, we are open to anyone saying anything, but your comments like i said provide no value whatsoever, and people like you with your handle on the game, should just read and learn from guys like us. each time you post buddy, you keep on sounding like an asshole. honestly.
--the brokeankles crew.
ok now i have time....
ReplyDeleteBull, your a.... you know what ill explain exactly what you are cause i have a good idea, by looking at your blog the type of person you are...
In any of this back and fourth, you have still not explained yourself for the stupid bullshit, you have posted, seriously. this is what you said:
i guess the spurs are a surprise too. who knew.
is any team team that wins without kobe bryant a surprise as well?
Now is it just me or is this not the stupidest shit anyone has ever written, and then you fucking balls to tell me that i am insecure, and that, i have to "assert" myself, because you had a comment that disagreed with me. No i ripped you a new asshole, cause its stupid, and to be honest with you, we expected this, and you are the first certified retard to post something on this site.
If your fucking comment added value or made sense i would probably agree or be like, kuddos, thats a good point. But look at what you wrote you fucking knob.
even when i was ripping you i was still showing you how my case is valid. because of me your blog has increased in traffic, 70% in an hour, you went from 9 hits, to over 22....because of me, loser.
i just saw your profile pic, and you call me insecure. wiggers like you, need to stop acting out the cliche,and get an identity. When you look at your photo, it is the definition of insecurity. ok Paul Wall....
This is where this ends, a pretty good post got tainted with your stupidity, consider yourself not allowed to post no more and i personally did not intend this blog for people like you to read. you dont have a clue.
and to be honest, after you read, and do your bitch response, im actually gonna delete all these comments cause this just looks fucking stupid.
ReplyDeleteWell how about that. Some dude asks if you think the Suns are a surprise and he is called a stupid white boy with a hard on for white players.
ReplyDeleteAre you sure that he is the jerk here? I see you deleted your own post calling the guy out after one statement, so I'm happy you are skewing the debate to protect yourself.
I won't be posting anymore on here, and I was kind of looking forward to it. Then I read how the Fab5 are responsible for baggy shorts, wrong; and how white people have a natural inclination to white players, racist.
Excellent work though, you should be proud.
He asked me if the suns are are a surprise, and i responded that way because his prior comment, "the rosa parks" post, asked if the writer was black....
ReplyDeletei appreciate you defending your boyfriend in this case, and neither you or your boyfriend have had any reasonable explanation in your comments. your response is ridiculous because this has nothing to actually do with you. I really dont give a fuck if you read my blog, post on it, or whatever dude.
I can delete posts, commments as i please, cause its my site. the comments were deleted because like i have said before it took away from the content. This site is intended for basketball heads, and guys who know what they are talking about. you and your boyfriend "the bull" or paul wall or whatever you call him, have no fucking clue.
and yah white boys do have an inclination towards white players, thats not racist, thats a statement and maybe a stereo type but not racist. if you want to argue with me get your masters or something, cause you have no clue what you are getting yourself into.
there should be a minimum level of education i think required to post on here, because both your boyfriend and you have a very poor grasp in debating or making a valid argument.....
point is you two fuck heads, not posting or reading this blog does not phase me, because there are many, many people that read our content, email us personally and debate our topics or posts on and off the site. the intent of this site was to share our knowledge of the game and if we say things that piss you off, then thats what we wanted to accomplish. you butting your head into this, is funny, i did not know the homosexual fan base felt this strongly about basketball.
Ad Hominem.
ReplyDeletePerhaps you should ask the institution of higher learning you attended for your money back you elitist bigot.
ahahahah so your the pitcher i guess...
ReplyDeleteand im fucking brown dude, you calling me a bigot hahahaahah and an elitist hahahaahahaha.....bhahahahahahahah