Before writing this I have thought long and hard about this, and have taken everything into accounts, from winning, stats, awards, winning teams, and whether the guy was a douche or not. So without further a due, here is BigKev's top 10 players in the NBA of the 2000's. I have no biased, I actually like a lot of players in the NBA, and if you can play i give mad respect....and on the latter, you wont hear the end of it.

10. Lebron James aka Video Game James
Yah, he's at the 10 spot, two reasons. He hasn't won shit and he's a douche. Even though he has not won a chip yet, him being a big douche bag puts him at my 10 spot, honestly if he was not the Kanye West of the NBA..."Listen Kevin, im happy for you and all and your blog is good, but Bill Simmons has the greatest blog of all time." Thanks Lebron, thats my point. He's more of an attention seeker, business conglomerate and wannabe rapper then a ball player in my view. The guy has talents that only the best of Olympians would wish for, his genetic make up is boggling at times. If you have yet to see a Cavs game in person, you will not understand. Its like the first time someone see's Shaq or Yao for the first time, you cannot believe the size of them. Same goes for Lebron, the guy looks like he is a DC Comic Superhero, its incredible how strong and lean this guy is. He is ferocious and nearly unstoppable 10 feet away from the basket, on a shot or on a drive. His numbers since entering the league have been phenomenal, 27-7-7 is kind of nuts. He won his MVP last season, and is in the running again this year. His teams have won but have come up short when it counts, 2 years ago, and 1 year ago. Lebron so far to me is the Wilt Chamberlain of our era, with a bit a of Oscar Rob thrown in. Bit of a stat monger, but the guy truly does want to win. The guy at the one spot on this list is the Chamberlain/Jordan/Russell of our era. His fashion, speech "I PRIIIMARILY WOULD LIKE TO ENTER THE DUNK OFF NEXT SEASON" , his demeanor, his dancing on the court, his attitude and ego, have warranted him into the 10 spot. Sorry if ive pissed anyone off right from the start.
Need I say more, rewind this video again, if you didn't see what he was doing, with his team mates. I don't recall the Spurs, Lakers, Celtics, or the Bulls of the 90's pulling shit like that. What do all those teams have in common...??? hmmmmmm. Anyone say Frito Lays?
When this list comes out for the player of the 2010's, Lebron will no doubt be number one player and one of the most decorated athletes in not just basketball but all of pro sports. He is an icon already, the new standard, the new PG, the new Swing, the new PF and SF....he is the future.
9. Jason Kidd aka Double D meaning DimeDropper

My personal favorite point guard of all time, did most of his damage in the early 2000's. His tenure with the Nets was really unbelievable to watch. He showed that the PG can seriously run tinggggssss. With a mediocre cast of players around him he took the Nets to two consecutive finals where they had no business playing much stronger opposition. Bottom line, Kidd wins, his dime dropping at times can be more effective then Kobe's fadeaway, Lebron's Power, and KG's heart. Kidd would and still can pick your weak ass D apart and win a game without scoring. He made a lot of good players look great, and made guys a shit load of money, see KMART, VC, RJ, KerryK, KVHorn, etc, etc....Kidd lost out to the MVP in 2001 because at the time the NBA did not believe a dime dropper was worthy of the MVP, seriously, go back till I think Magic Johnson, and that was your last NBA PG MVP. His stats have been simply crazy, over a 100 triple doubles, seven All Star berths (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008); the four All NBA First Team selections (2000, 2001, 2002, 2004) or the eight All Defensive Team nods (First team: 2001, 2002, 2006. Second Team: 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007) simply because his impact and play has never been based on individual glory. Kidd’s legacy and ability to deliver a bouquet of highlights is one of elevated team play (both on the NBA timber and for Team USA).
Marbury even likes Kidd know he's sick when that guy is boasting you.
Jason Kidd made guys so much better around him that, his running buddy on the nets for a few years, looked unstoppable at times, Mr Vince Carter. The duo became the first team mates since Michael Jordan (41 points, 11 assists and 10 rebounds) and Scottie Pippen (15 points, 12 assists and 10 boards) to collect triple doubles in a game. In addition, Vinsanity collected 46 points, added 16 rebounds (becoming only the fourth player in NBA history to record a triple double with at least 46 points / 16 boards, joining Wilt Chamberlain, Elgin Baylor and Alvin Adams) and yes, he even somehow managed to hand out 10 assists. Of course, who set up the majority of VC’s points… you guessed it, Kidd. He nabbed a then career high 16 boards, equaled his ’07 season high with 18 assists and slipped in 10 points (thanks to late free throw). Nuff said. Kidd is the man. lol...get it. Oh yeah, and he's a pimp... check the pic!
8. Steve Nash aka Captain Canada

Nash, my new favorite PG since JKIDD is on the latter part of his career. I love this guy, he plays with so much heart, skill and passion its like watching an artist at work. Steve Nash left as a free agent from dumb ass dallas, and never ever looked back. As soon as he got there, things changed, Coach D'Antoni, created an offence that his PG would flourish in, it resulted in back to back MVP years, something that even Jordan hadn't done. Turning a decent team into a great team, and re-inventing the "run n gun" style of play. Steve Nash, changed the mind of NBA officials and voters proving that team play is more valuable then individual accolades. Steve Nash has also carried himself with such class since entering the league and can always be counted on as a great leader on and off the court for all NBA players. The guy is a class act through and through. Factor in his killer instinct, he will torch you, throw you in the garbage and bury you at times on the court, the guy is a serious winner. He has had the unfortunate luck of playing in the west with power houses like the Spurs and Lakers, beating down on him and his Suns, but has played throughout, no matter what the opposition has thrown his way.
Nash's All Star Bid Vid this season, how can you not like this guy lol....
Nash represents our country, and i am proud to say that he is CANADIAN! He made the white guy cool in the NBA. seriously.
7. Dirk Nowitzki aka Disco Dirk

Dirk and his Mavs have won more games then any other team this decade, he's been a solid PF, and changed the way the game is played at the 4 spot, since lacing up in 1999. One of the greatest scorers the game has ever seen, in the 2000's he made a finals appearance, won an MVP and has been the heart and soul for a franchise that has always been on the brink but due to their own overwhelming talent at times over the years, they could not put it together when it counted. Please look back and see how they lost against the Heat, a few years back. The guy is always an all star, always in running for an All NBA Squad, and since we dont get too much coverage of him up here, i use this as my comparison for Dirk. I like to think of Dirk as our Karl Malone. Seriously, put their stats side by side, and you tell me the difference. None.
6. Dwayne Wade aka DWADE

I want Wade in my five! The face of the Jordan brand, the guy at times looks and plays like 23, is an offence machine. Please tell me who can score like DWADE 1 on 1, with the exception of a certain number 24. Nobody. DWADE is the champion of the greatest draft class ever in the NBA. He willed the Heat to a chip, being 2 games down against a formidable Dallas squad. He has led the league in scoring, is constantly on TV via advertisements, NBA gametime, etc. His career already speaks for itself, a chip, finals MVP, All NBA First Team, Defensive team, Gold Medal, and yeah he's only 27. Im 27, fuck. Anyhow like number 10 on this list, his best years are still ahead of him and i can pencil him in at number 2 when we re do this list 10 years from now.
Dwayne Wade also invented a new move in Basketball this season, its called the "FUCK YOU....BIAATCH." check it out:
5. Allen Iverson aka The Answer

When I have kids or re-connect with the possible two I have running around in Las Vegas one day, ill sit back and talk to them about my top 3 favorite players of all time. 1. Jordan, 2. Hakeem the Dream, and 3. Allen Iverson. Allen Iverson, is an ICON. Im telling you all right now, forget this season, its a real shame, but lets just forget this season for a second.
Allen Iverson, was and has been the f'n man since 1996. He changed the NBA forever, he was drafted and because of him you have the following, cool tattoo's, cool hair styles, cool bling the guy even makes a mustache look cool. Allen Iverson was a game changer, literally, and figuratively. He was the MVP in the year 2000, and took a Bullshit Sixers squad to the finals, and even beat the Lakers @ home by himself in game one. The guy has led the league in scoring, constant defensive threat, constant all star, constant sick ass player. Allen Iverson was the toughest player in all of the 2000's, i dare you to name me someone else. He was a warrior in every essence, and truly a legend at times. I have actually sat courtside and have seen Iverson up close. This dude is a buck fifty in weight and easily under 6ft. My height, 5'9 or so. You find me another skinny little dude who can light you up for 30+ a one.
Iverson now is a little strange to watch, kind of awkward at times. He is finishing off his career in the city he made famous (after Rocky that is) and will be looked upon as the greatest small guard to ever play the game. A man who changed the game, an Icon, and a guy who does not give a fuck about Practice. We talkin bout practice?
4. Kevin Garnett aka The Big Ticket

In 20004, Kevin Garnett, was the most ridiculous Basketball Player statistically and literally to watch since, maybe Allen Iverson in 2000 and maybe you can make a case for MJ in 96. I really don't know what else to say about him. Seriously. Kevin Garnett, played on shit squad in the Wolves, but was very loyal to the fans and city, it took a lot for him to move to Boston, but the results speak for themselves. He is a leader, a warrior, has all the stat accolades you'd ever want. Was actually the number one fantasy player for many years, before Marion knocked him down for a couple seasons, and both guys have fallen back since those days. But thats another blog for another time. Anyhow, ill just say this, he did waste his prime playing in Minni, if he went anywhere else where the second option was better then "all star" wally szyberajhdahlsdh, or watever the hell his last name is. He'd have rings and more rings. I like KG, but he needs to chill on this extreme weird talking to himself. Its so weird. You dont look intense, you look weird dude!
3. Shaquille O'Neal aka Shaq Diesel
Shaq daddy, his a Champion. In one decade he won 4 chips with two different teams, its a testament to how dominate he really is. You have to consider Shaq as the greatest big man to play in the modern era of basketball. After the Dream it was Shaq's show. He has made and elevated other's around him and has every single accolade to his name...MVP's, Final MVP's, ALL NBA TEAMS, ALL DEFENSIVE TEAMS, 15 ALL STAR BERTHS, blah blah blah. When I think of Shaq Daddy, I like to think of the following....what if Shaq hit 60% of his FT's in his prime time Shaq years. He would have shattered the scoring title each year. He'd average like 400480 ppg.

Like KG above I dont know what else to say about Shaq, his name and game speaks for itself.
2. Tim Duncan aka The Big Fundamentals

Tim Duncan, hmmmmmmmm, we all know he belongs at number 2, not much to say about him cause he's BOOOOOORINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. The only cool fact about Timmy D, is I think he is the only player in the history of the NBA to get ejected from a game while laughing on the bench. Actually this footage below has to be the most exciting thing to ever happen in his career. He almost fought the referee after the game apparently, and wanted to fight him...seriously! lol
The number one player on this list, needs no reasoning why, needs no long ass POV on why he is number one. He will go down as being most likely a top five player to ever play this game. He has every accolade and is an inspiration for all the new guys coming into the league. HE IS THE CLOSEST THING TO MICHAEL JORDAN WE HAVE EVER SEEN. Seriously, he is the greatest player of the modern era in Basketball and sets the standard. There is no debate, none whatsoever, about who the best basketball player in the game today is, none. If you were to play one game of basketball and form a team and had the consequences of losing, were losing your life. There is only one player you would pick to play this game for you. He taps this.....

and still manages to find time to diddle other ho's around the country. The guy has done shit in the past 10 years, that nobody can imagine. He is the best defender in the league in addition to being the best scorer. He paid his dues, learned the game and took it to another level. He plays with a finesse only seen by one other player, a certain number 23. He rap's with super models,
He is Superhuman at times, the guy jumps over speeding cars,
Pools of poisonous snakes,
He inspired the name of this blog with his antics, and products,
He is even a great citizen, taking the time to help small business's in his community,
most of all this guy inspires people, generations of people and has truly transcended the game,
I have yet to mention his name, but I can lay a bet that when you started reading this post, you all, already knew who the number one player of the last decade was. When it goes without saying, it becomes almost an innate thought and societal norm. Its just understood who the best basketball player since Michael Jordan played. He will go down being debated as possibly the greatest scorer this game has ever seen, the greatest talent this game has ever seen and the most ruthless competitor to ever play this game.
Oh yah he did this.......
With that I stop, if you read all this, wow, i dont even wanna proof read this shit! let me know what you guys think.....
posted by Kevin U
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