It wasn't long ago when I was in the middle of heated debates and arguments with friends and my sister actually about Oden vs Durant. Like many of you, I know there a whole bunch of you who are now on the other side...posers...anyhow, Durant was the sure thing in that draft while Oden was hyped a lot more then any other big man coming out of the NCAA in ages. When Oden was attending Ohio State and taking classes on "The History of RocknRoll." There was a guy who went by "KD" and was tearing the NCAA apart on a nightly basis. A true mix of KG and TMAC in every facet of the game. Kevin Durant in College at times looked like he was on loan from the NBA. Kevin Durant is 6'10 and plays like a 6'5 guard with all the moves on offence and a wirey strong body that can pester people on D. His game, body and mentality towards the game all added up to one thing, SUPER STARDOM. Well that's how I saw it at the time, and since he's been in the NBA, his stats year by year rival that of the oh so touted, 2003 draft class. Enough about KD and his accolades, let's get back to Oden for a second. Check DURANTULA out, f'n sick ass player, and my favorite player to use in NBA2K10!!! I kick ass with OKC!
Honestly as I write this I dont even remember the last time I saw Oden play a NBA game nor do I really care. He's just a bloody mess that guy, the way he moves, looks and plays, is very, very...hmmmm, not even too sure how I can describe it. Anyhow coming out of College, he was as hyped as any big man before him, Ewing, Shaq, etc. The point is the NBA and NBA viewers have hard on's for big men. They really do, honestly, every team still has that old school mentality that big men are the key to chips, and if you haven't realized this, the NBA has become a guards league in every essence. He's been injured so much that Greg Oden has literally become an insignificant piece for the Blazers and as soon as he enters the last year of his deal, he will be gone. You heard it here first. Who know's what will come out of it, but he'll be a good 20-23 minute player after he heels and a decent defensive option off the bench for a team, any team.
Which brings me to Blake Griffin. Face it, the NBA and a lot of writers and NBA Analysts over hyped this guy and his ability because of a relatively weak draft class this season, that people actually thought he'd be the savior for the Clips. They got rid of Randolph to make room for him, kept Kaman and Camby as trade bait insurance (and there so luckkkkkkky, they didnt move either of them at this point) and were poised to build around Eric Gordon and Blake Griffin as the future. But what happens....read the paragraph above this and switch Oden with Griffin. Seriously. This guy is out now for the year, he'll come back next season, play in the NBA finally, and realize its not 6'4 white boys you have to rebound over and block shots on, and he's gonna get the shit beaten out of him. Players like Griffin are so anxious to make a speedy recovery (like Oden) that he'll get banged up again, and again, and that'll be it. I believe it's his knees that are troubling him......NBA PLAYER + KNEE PROBLEM = SHORT CAREER. Simple equation. I feel bad for Blake, I really do, I myself have had multiple surgeries for ACL and MCL tears over the last 10 years, and now have arthritis at 27 years old! Its a fact. I do understand what happens with a knee after it breaks, tears or is damaged. It is very, very difficult to come back to how you use to be, it really is. Its more mental then anything, honestly. I also wanted to see the comeback and return of the light skin brother in the NBA, its been a while and Tayshaun Prince aint playing anymore really....
Blake Griffin, will become the next Oden mark my words. Maybe Oden will wind up there, and they can back each other up in a couple seasons??? Lets see how this shapes out, I mean LAC right now is looking ok, and are having some exciting games, Blake comes back next season, but he has a real long way to go, to become a real impact player in this league. One year out for surgeries and injuries, means one whole year without playing ball. He's gonna be weak, fragile and will have lost a few steps. I hope he does ok, but dont say i did not tell you so!
post by Kevin U
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