The Raps, managed to stick it out and win a close one against the Spurs tonight. Throughout the game the raps were all over the Spurs, at one point in the second half, mid way through the third quarter, they had a 20 point lead. But in the last minute it was a one possession game and they were up by 3....hmmmmmm....ill touch on this later on at some point this week.
So lets get this straight, they lose to the Celtics last night and make guys like Tony Allen and Lester Hudson (yeah thats a real NBA player) out play them but keep Tim Duncan, RJ and company in check throughout tonight's game. Last time I checked the Celtics were completely short handed last night and Doc Rivers had trouble figuring out a starting five and rotation, hence the Lester Hudson reference. But the Spurs who have looked really impressive over the last month or so, come in here with a full deck, Manu, Parker, Duncan, RJ and company, and we had them a L. Last time we played these guys, we were blown out by there bench, since Manu, Parker nor Duncan even played, if memory serves me correctly.
My Raptor vent is gonna start this week, but this is typical for this team. In pro sports their games you are suppose to win and games you are suppose to lose. The Raptors however, are the exception to this rule, these jerk off's manage to pull the most unbelievable wins and losses in all of pro sports. Remarkable really.
As for the game, they played well, their offence was clicking, Andrea has been showing up, Bosh did the Bosh thing, and with 22pts he became the all time scoring leader in Raptor history, kuddos to you CB4. MarcoB came in with his aggressive play again, and Jack is continuing his solid D and controlled offence. Hedo took the night off to jerk one out I think, not like he makes any difference at all if he's playing or not, and Derozan was attacking. I am liking for sure how Andrea is going at it, two or three times in todays game he drove on TD and dunked it once, layed it in twice. If this guy understands how much of a beast he can be if he drove 5-8 times a game, we'd be a completely different squad. Another side note, going into the 4th Q, they had not hit a 3 so their 834 game streak (i think 834 correct me if im wrong) was in jeopardy, but Andrea managed to can 1, 3 in the 4th. Nice.
Its simple. When these guys go after it, they win, its that simple. That can be said about any team in pro sports, but the difference is other teams may not have the talent or depth of the 2010 Raptors so certain break downs are bound to happen. I will post my thoughts this week on this years Raptors and their issues and there bullshit, but for now, a win is a win, and we are one game under .500. Horrrraaay!
*image taken from ESPN.com
post by Kevin U
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