This is the ½ way point of the NBA season, and there have been some big surprises and big disappointments. I have taken the liberty to compile the list, because seriously, what blog would be complete without this list....to follow, ½ season awards, done by the founders of this site....Now im gonna ration this post out over the next few days, cause each tidbit is pretty long, detailed and AMAZING.
“Big Surprise....Huge Surprise...” – van damme double impact referring to his dills....Emergence of the Grizz and Thunder
The Mephis Grizz have been ripping it over the last month and a half. Since day one of this NBA season you could see that the entire team “got it”. The fact that Rudy Gay is “getting it” and putting together is one reason for their emergence but this team has been put together so nicely that a lot of other squads in the league need to take note, i.e. RAPTORS, Clippers, RAPTORS, Kings, RAPTORS, RAPTORS and RAPTORS. Anyhow, OJ Mayo is a consummate professional, he can do everything and his ability to accommodate his team mates and unselfish play is just so refreshing to watch. This is a guy who has been touted since he was 15 years old and always destined for superstardom as an individual in the NBA. But his idea of superstardom, is winning and getting it done, it’s amazing to see how he plays within a team concept and do what it takes to win a game.

The development of Gasol, Conley and Warrick’s fierce play all contribute to the fact that this team is on a roll. The biggest reason why these guys are killing it though in my opinion is one of my favourite players to date. Zach Randolph. A lot of people don’t like him and I really don’t know why. He’s been putting up 20/10 since his 3rd year in the league. That is what he does. He puts up 20/10 everywhere he goes, and this year not only is he doing that in Memphis but he is acting as a veteran leader on a squad full of young’ins. They play with heart and hard work and each guy on this squad knows their role. Ill love to see these guys battle it out down the stretch with the other power houses in the West as this season progresses.

OKC, only have one thing to say about them. Kevin Durant. Well I obviously have more to say but Kevin Durant has just been on fire, and this guy has leapt from being a rising to star in this league to a full out bonified NBA scoring machine super star stud. The guys is just unbelievable, like Memphis he has all the right pieces around him to succeed. But unlike Memphis, whose team was built through free agency, trades and the draft. This OKC squad has been entirely built through the NBA Draft, will the core at least. Russell Westbrook, Jeff Green and James Harden, the architect of this squad needs to be commended for a great job in finding the right talent and the right guys who “get it” right off the bat. Westbrook has emerged as one of the best Point Guards in the game and can do it all, distribute, drive and control an offense full of fire power. He gets the right guy the ball always at the right time, on top of these fine traits his explosiveness and athleticism is just off the charts. Jeff Green, drafted alongside Kevin Durant has been a great glue piece and secondary scorer for them, however he does need to work on his consistency to truly become the “Pippen” to Durant’s Jordan on this squad.

Harden as a rookie, has been solid and has a really high basketball IQ and will definitely play a larger role on offense over the next few years until he finds his niche. But again another guy who gets it, and is willing to do what it takes to win, he has a great build, great defensive skills, can score and handle the ball. Factor in Collison, Nenad and Thabo, and you have a great amount of role players who can all play defence, rebound and play hard.
I really hope that both these squads make the playoff cut in the west which is a really hard task, but if so, they will cause fits in a eight game series and could possibly pull of some great upsets.
Post by Kevin U
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