Guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, that was to close for comfort. Raps managed to hold on, and win convincingly in the last 20 seconds or so of this game. The Raptor's beat the shit outta the Magic the entire game, but as in any NBA game i was waiting for the let up, going into the third, we were up 18, start of the fourth we were putting it on them. Cue, Magic run...in the 4th!!!!!! FAAAKKKKKKKK....Vince brought the game within two with like 40 seconds to go on a dunk, but the Raps, actually Triano, played the Coach thing nice tonight. Subbing wisely for offence and defense and ensuring his players held on. I liked what i saw tonight in them, they are showing improvement each game now over the past month and a half. Im actually more in shock now, at Orlando, in specific, Dwight Howard. WTF is that guy doing?
Does he think that by just showing up your gonna get a 20/20 game and calls from the officials? Last night Roy Hibbert outplayed him, tonight, Bosh, Andrea and Amir gave him fits. He had his fifth foul with 3 mins to go in the 3rd. Dont know whats going on with him as of late, hopefully he picks it up, and the Magic do well....
Anyhow, Raps looked good, everyone contributed. Jose came back off the bench and played solid D, yes I said it, DEFENSE, he actually looked great, and honestly if his ego can handle it, he'd be really nice as the 6th man for us, while Jack physically imposes himself on the starting five.
Before I end this, Amir Johnson owned Brandon Bass on a play. Bass went up hard for a layup, and got the shit stuffed out of him. One of those blocks, where the other guy palms the ball from you and snatches it out of your hand. You look so stupid guy....lol hahahaaaaaaaa found the pic, thanks to yahoo.com/sports.
Next game is at the sixers, ill be out in about i think Friday night lol, i dont think i know actually, so ill do a blog recap on the game when im drunk later....
post by Kevin U
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