Vince Carter and the Orlando Magic
Vince Carter gets traded to the Magic and finally became Jerry Stackhouse and brought voodoo or black magic with him to this squad. The problem here is not entirely

-being too stacked, well the starting five
-changing offensively the formula for your success over the last few years (vince arrives, gets all the shots now... how does that work)
-Injuries, Vince Carter, Jameer Nelson
-Lewis suspension really hurt them, not while he was gone but when he returned, they haven’t been able to find the right formula
-Dwight Howard feels that by showing up to arena’s you get wins.....
I can go on and on, but the fact that these guys have been so shit as of late, it’s just been mind boggling and frustrating watching them play. I would not be surprised to see some serious moves before trade deadline on their behalf, cause there in total panic mode right now in Orlando. I can actually honestly blog about this on its own, as its own piece and you know what i will...
Vince Carter, say what you want but the man can put the ball in the hoop and has been doing it since he entered the league. Last year Vince had one of the nicest stat lines to look out for a season and only missed the all star cut because of the fact he played for shit nets squad that was rebuilding, and they couldn’t give the nod to two all stars from one shit squad. He’s become Jerry Stackhouse, I always knew he would become Stackhouse in the latter part of his career but he’ hit him dead on this season. Vince has become a total 3 pt shooter, and jump shooter. He has been knocked for that in the past but if you were watching the nets over the last few years, he was a constant threat off the dribble and on the shot. The Magic play that inside out style, which encourages and almost forces the guys to become shooters, and considering Vince has never really “gotten it” he’ll take his jumpers all day not realizing how he can be effective in an offense.
Dwight Howard....this guy has taken a considerable step back in my view. He gets all the numbers and stats that you’d love if you played in a fantasy basketball league, but this is real life son. Get your shit together. I don’t know what it is this season or what has happened to him, but he’s been put in check by weak ass centers this season, one i can think of right of the top of my head, Andrew Bargs.... Bargs actually kept this dude in check last time they played. That should never happen. This team’s success is entirely on his massive shoulders, figuratively and literally. Its a hard to really say what exactly is going wrong on Orlando, i mean on paper that starting five should win you at least 60 games plus, so what is it coaching, not gelling, expectations to much pressure....i don’t know.

The change here that killed all of their hopes I think this season in my opinion, is the fact that Hedo is gone. That guy was a real, real asset for this squad. As the point forward, he did what he had to do to get the ball in the hands of the guys who needed it, controlled the offense the way it should be and was a killer because he played off Dwight Howard. Hedo understood how successful he could be playing with a force like Howard and it translated into a 50MM dollar deal in free agency. Until someone else on this team mimics or understands how to play alongside Dwight (cough cough vince carter), their gonna be out of the first round this season....
Honestly, WTF. Look at his numbers since December, and tell me is he a 50MM dollar player? I remember cooling out in Trinidad at a bar with my boy Kareem and watching Hedo play against the Cavs in the playoffs last season, and he was just ridiculous. I remember discussing with friends of mine over the past couple of seasons basically saying that Hedo is the best player on the Magic.

Hedo is a god damn liability when he’s on the court now. He’s shooting a dismal 20% from the field if I remember, consistently gets beaten defensively causing him to pick up stupid ass fouls every game. Looks tired half the time, and like he really doesn’t give a shit. Hedo has been terrible this season, and its actually to the point where it’s shameful and embarrassing that someone who makes over 10MM a year plays like this. Triano is still a puppet to BC, but eventually something has got to give and the coach needs to yank this over paid shit head out of the starting lineup. Like I said he’s a disappointment and a liability on the court. Hedo looked great last year cause he understood how to play with Dwight Howard, this season, he is forced to take on more responsibility and does not have a 7ft genetic freak of nature to hide behind. Hedo, get your shit together buddy.....seriously.
on top of it, this douche implied on national tv, that he needs the ball to be successfull, ill let you guys read more into this, but its pretty evident what he is trying to get at....
All Star Voting

I have actually spoken enough about this so just take a look at these previous posts, and see my thoughts and views on this retarded format to conduct a vote.
Kevin Sunder
He is the co-founder of this site, and in general has always has just been a pain in my ass. He consistently pisses me off with his views and total bullshit. Honestly sometimes he has no idea what the hell he’s talking about. He doesn’t like Jordan, Bryant or any other solid player. He’s into players like, Mamadu Ndinjayne, Flip Murray and he’s huge, hugggeeee fan of AND 1 baskeball and “The Professor.”
He also owns a JR Ryder Jersey, and talks so much shit....
For instance,
“Kev, OKC is sick bro, im loving this squad this year, i hope they do well. You are also a kind man and a good person...” - now thats me in general speaking ball with my pal Sunder
Now here is a typical response from Sunder:
“Honestly first of all shut the fuck up Kevin. I don’t wanna hear about it, they shouldn’t be there, I don’t like people from Oklahoma, they should still be in Seattle. “

Now this is me. “ But Kev, why are you hitting me, and they had to move for financial reasons, and the fact that the city of Seattle just stopped embracing the team...”
Sunder : “ Ok did you not hear what I said do i have to hit you again....listen, the team belongs in Seattle, i like Detleff Shremp ...”
You see not only is he totally fucked, he’s an abusive person both physically and mentally. We started this site to rant about sports, well basketball in general and this guy is too busy making his remakes of films starring his favourite actor of all time, Hugh Grant.
Anyhow Sunder is not so much disappointing more so a total piss off for me. But he’s an ok friend and likes to booze. So we get along. He’s still rooting for his Boston Celtics and Toronto Raptors....this week, next week when the next hot squad comes up, he’ll be on that band wagon.
post by Kevin U
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