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Monday, April 19, 2010
Funny A$$ Melo Commerical
This Ad aired during the Nuggets/Jazz game the other night, and it is a total trip. This aired in Utah, i repeat, this AIRED IN UTAH!! Like i highly doubt that the fans in Utah would do something like this, but its a hilarious if you really think about it. I want to have my own ad like this and air it for all that no me, even get a digital video mini james bond style business card and have this ish playing. Check this out:
Now as i read more about this, and looked on the net i found this, and it explains a whole lot, if you can't read that, it say's "by team Jordan", makes sense now doesn't it. (thanks to balls dont lie for the clarity and pic).
post by Kevin U follow me on twitter at, follow me on twitter at,
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