They say coaching doesn't make a difference at this level, but clearly you can see Denver is shook. George Karl is a tough coach who gets on his players hard, while Adrian Dantley is not a yeller, a screamer or a coach who rails on his players. If you want a comparison in life, remember back when you were in school and that crusty teacher would be away and you had the care free substitute. Tell me you didn't notice the class acting differently. Since Karl left to get cancer treatment, the players have played too loose and are taking too many chances. Best example is J.R. Smith. This dude is killing Denver alone with his shot selection. Carmelo is right, he can't do it alone. Denver seems likes a mess and they need to get refocused, but when you have no size inside and Utah's bigs are controlling the paint, you gotta think the end is near.
In the other 2 series, Phoenix will advance, just on the notion that Nash won't let this team lose and Portland is to banged up. Even with Brandon Roy back, Portland doesn't have the depth to keep up with the Suns. And even though, Portland likes to muck it up and play slow, the Suns are making the adjustments to combat this style. I can see Portland winning game 6, but not the series. The tiebreaker series will be Dallas and San Antonio. The Spurs are making that final push for one more chip and at this time, you gotta like them in the open West. They are such a well coached team with players who know their exact role. Outside of Manu, George Hill has really impressed me and is looking more and more like a baller. For Dallas, they are a stacked team, maybe too stacked. Dirk can only do so much, but guys like Marion and Caron gotta play more consistent to help out. I can see this series pushing 7, but it will be close. Hands down, the best series in the first round. This series reminds me of Chicago and New York in the 90's. Physical, dirty, hard defense and superstars coming up big.
I like my pics in this bet and I think I will come out on top. My good friend Kev needs to stop boozing while making bets with me, as well as going to that dark spot he goes to when he boozes (never seen a guy get violent and hurl after drinking 2 Bacardi breezers). To put it in perspective, please watch the clip below and you tell me if I should be worried.
Post by Kevin S
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